Narcissistic Modern Liberal DisorderNovember 16, 2015What happens when the mental disorders of Narcissistic Personality Disorder and modern liberalism go untreated for decades? The result is unparalleled and almost indescribable incompetence, combined with a stunning ability to deny reality, and ubiquitous corruption, all while displaying a level of hypocrisy that reaches Orwellian proportions. In short, the result is the legacy of the Obama administration. America’s Sheriff, Milwaukee County (WI) sheriff David Clarke, was recently interviewed on Fox News, where he pointed out what media people are afraid to note: the current inhabitant of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue suffers from Narcissistic Personality Disorder, which, as he properly points out, is a “mental disorder.” His description of NPD is correct. That the president suffers from this mental malady is not difficult to ascertain, once the criteria for diagnosis are understood. The shocking aspect of Sheriff Clarke’s interview was not that the words were uttered, but that the words were uttered on national television. Even most of President Obama’s critics are too afraid to criticize him too strongly or look too deeply into his many shortcomings. Exhibit 1 is 2008 presidential candidate John McCain, who had a rule in his campaign that any criticism of Obama’s past would result in immediate termination. President Obama went into full mock mode recently, which is not unusual for a low-level spokesman, a political adviser, or a campaign hack. His crowning, crowing moment came when his voice went up an octave and 30 decibels: “And then it turns out they (Republican presidential candidates) can’t handle a bunch of CNBC moderators. If you can’t handle those guys, then I don’t think the Chinese and the Russians are going to be too worried about you!” The audience ate it up. The audience of Democrat donors. It was a rich moment, figuratively and literally. Oh where to start. This is the same guy, who as a presidential candidate in 2008, complained bitterly about Fox News. All those liberal news outlets, but that one cable network was just too much opposition for him to take. The mere existence of what he sees as a hive of critics is more than his delicate psyche can handle. At the time, conservatives rightly pointed out that if he could not handle the most gentle of opposition when compared to our enemies around the world, how could he handle those enemies? In fact, Russia and the People’s Republic of China were specifically mentioned. But the Republican presidential candidates were not complaining about being treated unfairly, and President Obama knows that. The complaint was that the CNBC debate questions were shallow, silly, and designed to ignite controversy rather than to delve into policy matters. The voting public needs to know where candidates stand on issues and how they would handle crises. What would Presidents Trump or Carson or Cruz do if a consulate is attacked, an ambassador’s life is in jeopardy, and decisions have to be made? Just an example- not that this is the sort of question that the national press would ask. President Obama reframed the complaint for laughs, and to project onto the Republican presidential field one of his own biggest weaknesses: his thin skin. For someone who possesses an exceptional superiority complex and has no tolerance for criticism, he unwittingly brought to the forefront one of the biggest points of humiliation of his presidency. For his many failures, foreign and domestic, none has been as publicly embarrassing as the way he has been belittled by foreign leaders, particularly those of China and Russia. Chinese leadership has taken every opportunity to embarrass him, including sending five of their naval ships in September to the Bering Sea as a not-so-subtle statement of strength, when President Obama was visiting Alaska. And then there is Putin. Russian president Vladimir Putin is to machismo what the Kansas City Royals are to perseverance in sports. While the Royals never gave up when losing, Putin never gives up on his exaggerated sense of his own toughness and manliness- and he never gives up on opportunities to take advantage of someone who shows weakness. If you draw a line in the sand with Putin, you had best back that line up robustly. The only thing President Obama does with gusto is attack political opponents. To him, his enemies are his political opponents, not bona fide enemies of America. Enemies of America are usually overseas; most Americans do not follow foreign policy unless the American military is deployed; the American media do not closely cover foreign subjects, particularly subjects that oppose the modern liberal narrative. Therefore, the true enemies of America are not as worrisome as political opponents at home. What happens when a far left liberal with NPD receives endless adulation and favorable treatment beyond what is warranted, all while possessing the greatest levers of power a country has to offer? We are seeing the answer now, today. The separation from reality, the superiority complex which leads to unapologetic corruption, the hypocrisy- it is all here, on display. One of the greatest dangers is that such a person can never be wrong. Contradictions are never acknowledged. For a person with power, this is indeed dangerous. A person who can never be wrong, by definition, can never make a mistake; therefore, no mistake is ever harmful because it is not wrong. In a world where mistakes are not possible, anything is possible- and permissible- no matter how bad, how scary, how treacherous. That is a frightening thought to consider over the next 14 months.
Brian W. Peterson has been a columnist for a mid-size California newspaper, is a veteran of political campaigns, and was a member of the publicly elected Republican Central Committee of Los Angeles County. His psychological thriller Dead Dreams and sci-fi adventure Children of the Sun are currently available through You can follow Brian on Twitter @cybrpete. Visit Brian W. Peterson's website at