"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

Special Commentary
Ed Delph

Last week, I started a series entitled “Living Balanced in Unbalanced Times.” Considering what happened in Pennsylvania recently with ex-President Trump and the rest of the victims, maybe this series is a bit prophetic. These are unbalanced, potentially dangerous times for the United States and the world. After all, a house divided against itself cannot stand, at least for long.  

Bob Pascarella

Whatever your thoughts are on the subject, a former president needlessly almost lost his life. There were lapses in security, and the Congress will investigate. But as far as I’m concerned, it was only a matter of time before this tragic event would occur. It took his enemies 7 years, but they finally almost got what they wanted. Only by the grace of God did former President Trump escape death. But make no mistake; those 8 bullets have the fingerprints of each and every one of his detractors, who over the years fanned the flames of the hate.  

Cliff Kincaid

We know Joe Biden is a cognitive mess. But what about the media? No matter where you turn, we are being treated to endless claims of “security failures” and “oversights” by the Secret Service. We need “transparency,” they constantly say, as the head of the Secret Service runs away from Senate Republicans on the floor of the Republican National Convention. How many lies must be told before they conclude there was a conspiracy to kill Trump? At this point, we must conclude there was federal participation either in the plot or the cover-up. Or both. In any case, the corruption goes far beyond even “catastrophic incompetence.”  

Dr. Chuck Baldwin

Okay. Okay. Every talking head from every medium in the world has already given their analysis of the Trump shooting in Pennsylvania. I almost decided to NOT write on this because, after all, virtually everything that can be said about it has been said - everyone from the conventional, mockingbird media to the most fanciful conspiracy theorist and everyone in between. But, alas, here I am writing about the Trump shooting. At this point, I have mostly observations and questions regarding those observations - quite a few questions. My biggest questions concern the Secret Service (SS) itself.  

Cliff Kincaid

John Roberts of Fox News appears to be getting sick and tired of Secret Service stonewalling on the matter of its multiple “security failures” in the attempted assassination of President Trump. On Wednesday, he noted that the federal agency has not held a public briefing on what happened, and he said the response is “approaching the level of scandal.” Really? Wow.  

Jeff Crouere

At his massive rally in Butler, PA, President Donald Trump survived assassination by millimeters, saved by the grace of God and a turn of his head. Sadly, an attendee was killed, and two others were seriously wounded by a 20-year-old assassin. As the investigation continues into the killer and the major security lapses at the event, it is important to reflect upon the intended victim, Donald Trump. He is a man of enormous courage, who used the assassination attempt to show amazing strength to his supporters by yelling “Fight, Fight, Fight” while pumping his fist in the air. It was a sign that he was not backing down, he was not quitting.  

Cliff Kincaid

How could this have happened? Federal agencies allowed it. Democrats encouraged it. The federal government is implicated in this attempted assassination. We have a federal government that allowed the leader of the opposition, former President Donald J. Trump, to be targeted for murder. He escaped death through divine intervention.  

Bob McCray


Outside of politics, the biggest single item the news media is hollering about is the heat, all due to global warming/climate change. I perused my calendar to verify my suspicions and found that we are in the middle of July, which also happens to be in the middle of "SUMMER." It's hot because we are in the middle of "SUMMER." Where were all of these learned meteorologist and climatologist, when their 3rd-grade teachers were discussing the seasons of the year?  

Paul Hayden

Truth is the basis of reality – truth is reality. - Paul Hayden

I have some big thoughts and dreams for Conservative Truth. I believe it is good to have big dreams or grandiose aspirations. As long as they are grounded in reality, and not harmful to others – let us dream big! Let me share some thoughts of mine for Conservative Truth, and you can share in them however you wish. Please let me know what YOU think! Get in touch with me, through the comments or contact me directly, and let me know what you think!

Truth can stand up to any questioning, any testing, and all challenges that might be brought to it. Truth stands on its own in an atmosphere of honesty. Truth is the raw existence of that which is real. 

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