Special Commentary |
Ed Delph I love real-life testimonies that inspire people. Here is an example of a couple you most likely have never heard of who did something unique. This couple found something to do in the meantime that came from a mentality of “I get to," not "I have to.” This invisible couple parented a seven-year-old boy who became visible worldwide. What’s the lesson here? Being less visible doesn’t make you less valuable. Read more... |
Phil Perkins I recently came across this comment from a world-weary reader of a popular conservative magazine, relating to an article about the Biden so-called presidency and how a vote for Harris will just be more of the same: “Anyone who votes for this woman is actually voting for the anonymous oligarchy who are currently running things. Such a voter is nothing but a naive, pathetic twit with no self-respect and nothing but contempt for the citizens of this country. If you vote for Harris, you are voting for an anonymous team of rule makers and rule enforcers who are going to ‘save democracy.’ Man, you really need to be a moron to buy into what the Democrat party is selling.” Read more... |
Bob Pascarella “Love, friendship, respect, will never unite people as much as a common hatred for something.” Anton Chekhov There is something seriously wrong in America; we are a divided people, ideologically, culturally, socially, and religiously. This statement is not a new revelation, and should come as no surprise to most. But there is what I believe to be a growing and festering cynicism, a contemptuous and distrustful attitude among people toward those who think differently. Read more... |
Rev. Michael Bresciani Millions of Americans, some with little interest in politics, waited for the big first debate – only to be lied to by Kamala Harris, the candidate of hope and love. She should not be surprised by the sudden dip in the polls. Most Americans don’t think lies produce much hope, and they certainly are not an act of love. In these troubled times across the globe, America does not need a Liar-in-Chief in the People's House. Read more... |
The Democrats' Obsession with Power Peter Lemiska
This should not be a close election, and it won't be if enough independent voters still cherish American values and reject the propaganda and the dirty tricks. |
Jeff Crouere All Americans should see the outstanding movie Reagan, playing in theaters nationwide. It depicts the life of one of America’s greatest presidents, Ronald Reagan. The movie depicts a courageous leader who takes on the political establishment at home and America’s greatest enemy abroad. He succeeded because of his belief in God, his strong conservative principles, and his overwhelming devotion to our country. After seeing the movie, it is impossible to miss the many similarities between Ronald Reagan and Donald Trump, the two modern Presidents rated most favorably by Republicans. Read more... |
Cliff Kincaid Historic Catholic teaching about the value of human life and the Christian obligation to expose and defeat Satan and his demonic influences is what motivates the targeting of traditional Catholics by the FBI. Read more... |
Promises, promises...but what is she really going to do? Bob McCray |
Cliff Kincaid On the eve of the presidential debate, I received an email from Trump supporter Laura Loomer declaring that getting Christians out to vote for Trump in November is the key to victory. If this is the case, then why is Trump trying to appeal to Democratic Party voters on issues like abortion and drug legalization? Loomer’s email doesn’t make sense. Or else Trump’s campaign strategy doesn’t make sense. Read more... |
Cliff Kincaid I believe that Reagan would advise Trump to sharpen his appeal to young people, not by promoting marijuana and abortion, but with a positive vision of America as the “Shining City on a Hill.” Despite his pandering to the abortion lobby, gays, and stoners, there is still time for Trump to salvage his campaign before he descends further into the nether reaches of Cultural Marxism and social decay. Read more... |
Paul Hayden Truth is the basis of reality – truth is reality. - Paul Hayden I have some big thoughts and dreams for Conservative Truth. I believe it is good to have big dreams or grandiose aspirations. As long as they are grounded in reality, and not harmful to others – let us dream big! Let me share some thoughts of mine for Conservative Truth, and you can share in them however you wish. Please let me know what YOU think! Get in touch with me, through the comments or contact me directly, and let me know what you think! Truth can stand up to any questioning, any testing, and all challenges that might be brought to it. Truth stands on its own in an atmosphere of honesty. Truth is the raw existence of that which is real. Join us on Facebook…search for Conservative Truth group - 318233080541118! Read more... |