"You shall know the Truth, and the Truth will set you free"
Publisher / Editor:
Paul Hayden

The Mission And Goals For Conservative Truth

January 1, 2025

Paul Hayden - 8/10/2023 

I have some big thoughts and dreams for Conservative Truth. Somehow I believe it is good to have big dreams or grandiose aspirations. As long as they are grounded in reality, and not harmful to others – let us dream big! Let me share some thoughts of mine for Conservative Truth, and you can share in them however you wish. Please let me know what YOU think! Get in touch with me, through the comments or contact me directly, and let me know what you think!

Mission Statement for Conservative Truth

Truth can stand up to any questioning, any testing, and all challenges that might be brought to it. Truth stands on its own in an atmosphere of honesty. Truth is the raw existence of that which is real. 

Truth is the basis of reality – truth is reality. 

Conservative Truth exists primarily for Truth. This should be our common ground, the best foundation, and related to everything concerning life itself. To that end, we will strive to bring relevant thoughts into sharp focus with clear definitions. We hope to provide insight and commentary into various aspects of life, culture, community, and faith, helping offer solutions for life's problems and issues, as well as inspiration for the common good. Our desire is to work together with others to seek and know the truth, and to make life better for all. 

Life is an adventure, and while it is fun and exciting and stimulating, it also brings problems. A big part of life is identifying and seeking solutions to life’s problems! All too often, we people bring these difficulties onto ourselves, and often our solutions create even more problems than before. 

One observed trait of politics and government is that government often creates problems and then proposes to solve those problems with even more government. It is a shame when the very people whom we should most be able to trust turn out to be those we can trust the least! But this is not only a political problem! From government to education, business, medicine, journalism, and even church leadership and other important professions, there is an increasingly alarming decline of trustworthiness and escalation of moral corruption going on.

The foundation for our understanding of Truth is boldly Christian, based solidly on Biblical faith and beliefs. The world is made up of matter and energy. Scientists work fervently trying to understand the universe, how it works, and how life came about. So far, they are completely shut out for any explanation of where everything came from, where and when it started, and deepest of all, how life started and what it means. Those of us who believe in God find peace in the faith that God created everything, and He gives us the purpose for living, which is Love. Above all that we can see and touch and hear, there is Spirit. 

Conservative Truth aspires to be inspirational, uplifting, and educational, drawing people into the sustaining wholesome lifestyle that is based on TRUTH! I hope this website can be a repository of truth, honesty, hope, and comfort, a refuge in this world so filled with lies, distrust, deceit, cynicism, sarcasm, and endless insufferable advertising. We can be part of a larger network of awareness and understanding, a haven on the Internet apart from the noise, the distractions, and the barrage of waste that lures us in and eats away our lives.

You shall know the Truth, and the Truth shall set you free. (Jesus, John 8.32)

“…but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him who is the head, even Christ…” (Paul, to the Ephesians 4.15)

I will be working toward refining these thoughts into a more concise single paragraph or so, if possible, of what I see as a workable mission statement for this website. Again, I would cherish any thoughts that anyone might wish to share with me. Thank you - Paul Hayden

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Some more thoughts…

Goals of CT

  • To help one another see and understand the truth. Pragmatic, useful, search for the truth. No fear of seeking, acknowledging, and striving for that which is good, right, and true, and opposing that which is bad, evil, harmful, and deceitful.
  • We need hope and understanding of THE TRUTH to make this world a better place for everyone, with wisdom and understanding that is universally needed and useful. We are here, right now, at a point in history, and we believe that we can and must make a difference in our country and the world; we have problems that need to be addressed, discussed, and solved.
  • Everywhere you turn somebody is trying to trick you, or talk you into something, or sell you something, or cheat you out of something, or just plain waste your time with empty mindless entertainment.
  • Not a fad or trend, or a viral fifteen minutes of fame.
  • Not in competition with anything.
  • No shiny advertising, no get-rich-quick scheme, no goal of super prosperity or universal popularity.
  • No need for frills and decorations, smoke and mirrors, confetti cannons, etc.

Content Ideas For Conservative Truth

Here are some ideas I have for content for this website that could include any of the following:

  • articles – commentary, current events, conservatism, politics, religion.
  • book reviews - the best books of true conservatism, the best books for life.
  • interviews - with great conservative thinkers.
  • links with other conservative sites.
  • ties with conservative leaders in our country, state or national.
  • FOCUS on important matters of life – not getting caught up with peripherals, irrelevant details, etc.
  • anything to further that which Conservative Truth stands for!
  • possibly a networking site for mentors and “mentees.” Put together people who can help pass on wisdom and life’s insights to younger people who desperately need those “elders” who care about them.

Do YOU have any ideas you'd like to share? Get in touch!

Comments: 7
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    • Comments that contain foul language, profanity or vulgarity will be rejected.
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2500 characters max
Paul - Editor
Hey, Jack - your email that you provide with your comments is not a valid email, or at least I cannot get mail delivered there! Come out in the open and let's have a real dialogue. You make some valid points, worthy of discussion. To say that I sound too much like Kamala Harris is just hurtful, though. And yes, I believe Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life - just as He said. This publication is not (at this point) a Bible school, nor an evangelistic effort. It is what it is, and it may well change in the future. Come out and show yourself - and let's discuss things like real people! Blessings! Paul Hayden - Publisher/Editor of Conservative Truth
Paul - Editor
Hi, Jack That's something you don't want to say at an airport or in an airplane! ("Hijack!" ) I received and posted your recent comments on our articles, mine in particular. Why not come out in the open and have a discussion - be a real person! I am open to dialogue, and feel you have some valid points. So, let's discuss it. Perhaps you would be open to sharing an article for our publication? We would be open to that. I'd like to discuss your comments with you, but I cannot unless you let me. Freel free to be in touch - I certainly don't bite! Blessings! Paul Hayden Publisher-Editor - Conservative Truth
This statement has been up for too long in my opinion. Also, it sounds too much like the public statements of Kamala Harris with many redundancies like the first sentence:"Conservative Truth exists primarily for truth." Then, you don't mention truth again until the fifth paragraph. In that paragraph you say, "I hope this website can be a repository of truth, honesty, hope, and comfort." But truth as you probably know often makes us UNcomfortable. Is Jesus the way, the truth, and the life? You never come out and say that either. Then you veer away from truth and write "We can be part of a larger network of awareness and understanding,..." Here you are throwing more positive sounding words at the reader thereby diluting the emphasis on truth which you claimed at the beginning to be making. I don't know if you will wish to post a comment this negative, but whether you post it or not, as someone who served as an editor of a couple of leading publications and as someone who is a conservative born again Christian, I would strongly urge you that the time has come to take down this post about "truth," and either re-write it emphasizing truth instead of having a word salad or post another statement altogether regarding other commitments this online publication under your leadership now has.
Paul - Editor
Hey, Barnacle Bill - thank you for the kind words. Feedback is rare, and good, positive feedback even more so. I endeavor to be part of the solution - for making the world better. Yes, we need to reach the youth. Keep on, friend! Please keep reading, and share with others who might enjoy the articles as well as our Founding resources! Blessings, Paul Hayden
Hi Paul, thank you for what you do, I love reading Conservative Truth! The world needs the information that you publish, especially young people. We have a lot of minds to open up to what's really happening in our country and the world. I can't help but think of the frog in the pot of slowly heating water! I was wondering if there is a way to exemplify the biased media coverage of the majority of news networks and the general hypocrisy of the news media. I hear about it on talk radio, but talk radio is "preaching to the choir". There's got to be a way to show people who believe everything they hear on most of the "Democrat" networks that it's totally biased. Well, you asked, so that's my 2 cents. Thank you again, Barnacle Bill
Paul - Editor
Hi, Jack - I tried contacting you directly, but the email you submitted did not work. Thank you for your participation. Interesting what you say. In much of the world today, we are up against 10-40 word memes, and very short-attention-span people. I find even for myself, an article that takes more than about 4-5 minutes to read can lose me, unless it is a topic of utmost importance or really grabs me. I agree, and we actually allow a reasonable increase in the number of words per article. 750 is quite short, in some ways. But...it does help those who might get extremely wordy, like myself included, to get in, punch it hard, and get out. A good pastor I knew once said that you should always leave the hearers wanting more, rather than droning on and on. Say it quick and say it well. Curious if you write much or at all. We welcome articles on any pertinent topics, if you would care to submit anything. Blessings! Paul Hayden - Publisher
Minimum word limit for article submissions is too low. Except for certain writers like Michael Bresciani, whose articles have a lot of POWER, the other writers seem to lack authority.
Copyright ©2024

Paul Hayden is a Christian believer, and an American patriot, necessarily in that order. He is a student of the Bible, and is avidly interested in our role in the context of history, as understood through the heart and eyes of faith. Paul has lived and traveled somewhat widely, and now lives in the heartland of the U.S. (central Illinois), with his wife Donna - they have five grown children. Since December of 2016, he serves as the Editor-in-Chief of www.ConservativeTruth.org.

"I was raised by a Christian minister, Kenneth Hayden, until his death when I was 10. Then my mom Bonnalee Hunt Hayden married a farmer. So I was raised in a very down-to-earth home. My faith has grown through the years, but both in conjunction with the institutional church and through small groups and individuals, including books as well as group settings, where deep, sincere faith is shared that aligns with Biblical truth."