While New York Burns, Democrats FiddleOctober 2, 2023Let this serve as a lesson and be a warning, for throughout history great empires and civilizations have fallen. There is a good possibility that we Americans in this modern technologically advanced age may be witness to another tragic similar event, like those of past times. In a recent article, I wrote about the mayor of New York and his dire warning of the city's death. New York City is challenged with just about every social, cultural, and economic matter that can plague a major metropolis. But it must now also confront an overwhelming illegal migrant crisis that greatly intensifies with each passing day. And things are only getting worse, and the citizen taxpayers must carry the burden, and are angry, desperate, and fearful of a future that appears uncertain and dismal. Let’s be clear, it is not the city itself that is the problem. New York is still a magnificent place with its skyline and glass canyons, its storied history and historic sites, museums, monuments, and art. You can find just about anything in New York, as it is a treasure trove and represents the best of a thriving American city. But all this is at the mercy of a few unrestrained, despicable fools. No, it’s not the city; it is the human element that is the problem. You would therefore think that city leaders would be burning the midnight oil making every effort to restore its stability and greatness, but you’d be wrong. While all around us the quality of life is in shambles, there is mayhem in the streets that have been inundated with sleeping illegal immigrants, and where criminals roam these same thoroughfares. The economy is in shambles and the financial burden on the taxpayer is enormous; upwards of $4 billion a year. And while all this is happening, a group of far-left progressive radical Democrats who call themselves the city council prefers to direct their attention to, once again, removing statues, monuments, and art that it considers unacceptable. Christopher Columbus, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Peter Stuyvesant, whether portrayed and honored in stone or on canvas, will face the chopping block. They were slaveholders, or in Columbus’ case, victimized indigenous people. According to the Council's Cultural Affairs Commission any artwork that takes up space on public property “That depict a person who owned enslaved persons or directly benefited economically from slavery, or who participated in systemic crimes against indigenous people, or other crimes against humanity,” must be removed. In 2021 the council succeeded in removing a statue of Thomas Jefferson, drafter of the Declaration of Independence and America’s third president, from in front of the Museum of Natural History. It had sat in place for 100 years. There is the possibility of a reprieve, however, should the council decide not to remove a historical monument, with a condition that the city will attach to it an “Explanation Plaque,” detailing the individual's misdeeds and transgressions. New York City faces overwhelming odds against its rejuvenation, and its problems only continue to mount. Residents, American citizens, whose roots date back generations, must either accept the governance of radical progressive Democrats, who many believe are instigating the migrant crisis, or just pack up and leave. Or they could stick it out, persevere and stay strong, stand by their city, and not desert it. If enough people come to their senses and realize the damage Democrats have done and will continue to do, and vote these bums out, maybe we can still save this great city. "How lonely sits the city that was full of people! She has become like a widow who was once great among the nations! She who was a princess among the provinces has become a forced laborer!" Lamentations 1:1 From 2020 through July of 2022, according to the Census Bureau, over 468,000 residents have moved out of New York City, a majority to southern states governed mostly by Republicans.
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