A Threat To WomanhoodSeptember 11, 2023Americans are good stouthearted people. They’re spirited, generous, and passionate, and have been tested under pressure, and fire. But even they can become impatient, angry, and ready for a fight. We have reached a breaking point in America where something has got to give, and one side or the other will fade into the background. Traditionalists and secularists, Right and Left, are at odds; their beliefs and ideologies are antithetical to each other. This is the back and forth, the accusations and threats that are a constant of the culture war with all its conflicts and minor skirmishes. We can point to several issues that are at the forefront of the battles that we deal with each day. But there is one in particular that defies the senses and any reasonable explanation. In the past, I have written on this subject, and still find the attention given to this matter to be nothing less than implausible, and yet here we are. The LGBTQ+ movement, and its agenda, are ever-present and it is only becoming more intense and radicalized. The one overriding element in this seemingly all-consuming battle, are children. In schools, libraries, television, sports, restrooms, locker rooms, and the internet, the intervention of LGBTQ+ is prevalent, especially transgenderism. Why would an approximate 0.5% of the population hold such sway over the people? Women in society have come a long way over the last century, and the nation is much better for it. But something has changed over the years, and if I didn’t know any better, I would think a calculated effort is underfoot to undermine womanhood. There is one overriding factor that is at the heart of this egregious act, transgenderism. Most of us by now are familiar with transgender “women” (biological men) participating in female sports. This has created tremendous controversy and backlash, which has intensified the culture war. In most, if not all, of the events, the transgender woman has dominated the sport. Some female athletes have spoken out about the unfairness, and they have been accused of intolerance and homophobia by the LGBTQ+ and their enablers. Recently in another outrageous and depraved act by this radical movement, a time-honored tradition was subject to the decadent imposition of LGBTQ+. A University of Wyoming Sorority has been forced by a court to induct a transgender woman into their domicile. The Kappa Kappa Gamma Sorority chapter brought suit against the inductee, Artemis Langford, but U.S. District Court Judge Alan Johnson ruled against the members, writing “With its (the Sorority) inquiry, the Court will not define a ‘woman’ today.” The judge in his ruling determined that the bylaws of the sorority do not define a ‘woman,’ and that “This judge may not invade Kappa Kappa Gamma’s freedom of expressive association and inject the circumscribed definition (of a woman that) plaintiffs urge. A federal court cannot interfere with the sorority chapter’s freedom.” This is all nonsense; every sane honest and decent American knows what a woman is. In the sorority’s lawsuit, it is alleged that Langford is a “sexual predator,” and when in the company of the members, appeared physically aroused. Langford stands 6’3 and weighs 260 lbs; the suit goes on to say “while watching members enter the sorority house, he had an erection visible through his leggings, other times he had a pillow in his lap.” The players in this depravity, from the Kappa Kappa Gamma national sorority organization, the Judge, Langford, and the LGBTQ+ transgender movement, are all in collusion. The executive director of the sorority Kari Poole issued a statement that read in part "Kappa Kappa Gamma, which has 250,000 members in 140 chapters across the United States and Canada does not discriminate against gender ideology.” As hard as all this is to believe, and as I stated previously, womanhood is under attack, it is happening right before our eyes. We must not allow this twisted and corrupt lifestyle to continue to threaten our mothers, sisters and all females young and old.
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