Planned Parenthood’s Malicious Reach Goes Beyond AbortionSeptember 4, 2023In last week’s article, I wrote about the extent of Planned Parenthood’s influence. They are the largest provider of unrestricted abortions in the country, and their role in education and the threat they pose to the lives of children and families is an ever-present danger. Since its inception, they have terminated tens of millions of lives, caused untold injuries to women due to shoddy abortions, and corrupted young lives through sexual perversion. Their disrespect for the sanctity and dignity of life knows no bounds and does not stop with abortion and educational indoctrination. Evidence has proven that Planned Parenthood has engaged in what can only be described as inhuman and evil - the selling of baby body parts to research facilities. What makes this even more offensive is that most of the buyers of these heinous transactions are particular in what they want, specific body parts: fully-formed heads, hearts, and lungs are often sought after. But aside from abortion and sex education in schools, there are other venues that PP is involved in, and for this reason, the threat they pose is more nefarious and far-reaching than most American people realize, especially parents. The following are other areas where Planned Parenthood’s dirty hands can be found. * Summer camp for children has been a tradition for years. A getaway for youth to join together and engage in activities, have fun in the outdoors, and perhaps even escape from big city streets. PP decided to create its own version called S’MORE Camp for minors. This is an acronym for “Science-based, Medically Accurate, Open-Minded, Responsible Education; fortunately, it failed due to it being wildly unpopular. * PP is using any device at its disposal to promote its agenda, especially in reaching out to the youth. They have produced videos on the internet promoting chemical abortion drugs and hormone blockers for children. * The “Rainbow Room” is a PP-sponsored youth program for ages 14 years and up. One of the activities is a “Queer Prom,” which featured drag queens, bags of condoms, tot cards, lubricant, and other goodies. * In a number of its centers, PP now offers sex-altering drugs. Some have properties that can cause sterilization. They are the second largest distributor of these life-altering drugs. * They’re covering all the bases and will use any means at their disposal to spread their sordid and dangerous products. PP has a “mobile health clinic,” death on wheels that dispenses chemical abortion drugs. * The “Nutcracker,” is a program that PP introduced in partnership with doctors to offer free vasectomies in certain communities. It appears perhaps that their main objective is population control, if not in the womb, then before insemination, if possible. * They know where and how to take advantage of the service they provide. It has been determined that PP locates most of its facilities within several miles of college campuses. * PP was suspended from schools in Canada. One of it so-called sex educators came up with an indecent card game that inappropriately describes sexual behavior. In another case, a sex educator used social media to inform children how to acquire “spicy and sexy toys.” Whatever your position on abortion, you must admit that any organization whose method of making a buck is the termination of innocent life, selling the remains for profit, and corrupting young minds, is not only heartless but evil.
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