The Threat Of Planned Parenthood, In The Womb And ClassroomAugust 28, 2023The Children of America are under siege, and in danger. They have become pawns, innocent victims in a culture war that is pitting traditional values and institutions against secular modernism. Education is one of the main battlegrounds, with parents demanding that they have a say on curriculum, and how their children/students are taught, while districts, school boards, and teachers insist otherwise. In any war, there are allies and other various factions that will take sides and give support to one of the battling entities. There might also be outside forces working to create disharmony and unrest for their own corrupt and selfish motives. Although education is the subject of much attention in the war for the minds and emotional well-being of the children of America, there is another entity that is plying its unscrupulous and deadly trade. Planned Parenthood is stealing its way into schools and the lives of children, in its so-called sex education curriculum. Together with LGBTQ, both factions are making every effort to impose their immoral and sexual perversion propaganda to influence and indoctrinate students into their deviant worldview. Their agenda is nefarious and defies traditional conventional standards of decency and modesty. This two-pronged effort has created a harmful and dangerous situation that must be challenged. Parents must counteract the assault by teaching and instilling in their children the Judeo-Christian heritage of America and its Biblical precepts. Respect for the dignity and sanctity of life, especially of the unborn, traditional marriage between one man and one woman, family values, and religious observance are fundamental in the upbringing of our children, building character and moral virtue. American Life League is a pro-life advocacy group; its director Susan Ciancio mentioned how her 9-year-old daughter asked “What is abortion?” Ciancio is also executive editor of the Culture of Life Studies Program, and she responded, with some trepidation, “that it was when a mom has her baby killed before he or she has a chance to be born.” Planned Parenthood averages over 350,000 abortions each year. Their sex education agenda is based on the sexualization of children, advancing promiscuity, and what might follow, a pregnancy that they will be more than happy to terminate, and age is not a factor. Susan Ciancio issued a warning “One should not underestimate the havoc that external influences like Planned Parenthood can wreak on families. Unfortunately, stopping indoctrination at schools can be difficult. Still, there are effective defensive and offensive tactics you can launch from home to undercut the potential damage that can result from the abortion lobby’s student propaganda.” The Biden administration and the Democratic Party are major supporters of PP. They will pull out all stops to achieve their desired goal, which are unrestricted abortions up till birth. Some of these fanatics also support infanticide. This president, who claims to be a devout Catholic, is considered the most pro-abortion president in history. Recently the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled against an effort by the administration to enact through executive order, mail-order chemical abortion drugs. The court also ruled the safeguards that were in place, but removed, must be restored. There have been dozens of serious injuries to women, and deaths from the drug, which is of course aside from the aborting of an innocent baby. Planned Parenthood poses an existential threat to the mores, spirituality, and traditional values of the American ethos. They are supported both financially and culturally by the federal government, Democrats, mainstream media, liberal institutions, Hollywood, and many big businesses. And make no mistake - they’re patient. Their sinister plan is if they can’t get the child in the womb, they will in the classroom. But it doesn’t really matter where, as all of their machinations eventually lead to disaster, especially for the family.
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