Democrats, The LGBTQ Movement Are Threat To The American PeopleAugust 21, 2023The American people have had to withstand tremendous challenges, the ravages of war and disease, and the many internal conflicts that plague a representative republic. People tend to disagree at times and are at odds with one another in a free and open society. It has been this way throughout the history of this great nation. One of the many conflicts we have had to endure is a culture war. There are those who believe and live by the Judeo-Christian ethic that is in conflict with radical secularism. The divide has been growing in intensity over the last several decades. Contrasting philosophies and ideologies, with conservative, liberal, and socialist concepts clashing on what to believe and how to live one’s life, beset each of us just about every day. There is one particular issue that has emerged on the scene that has gained much attention, and in some circles wide acceptance. I have written on the subject on occasion, and with its introduction as another defining issue in the culture war, it has created an ever-widening schism among people, especially the parents of school-age children. The LGBTQ agenda is ever present, and like accusations of racism, seems to be in the back-and-forth dialogue daily. The effort to advance the LGBTQ agenda and impose it on the American people, a majority of whom believe it immoral, has reached a fevered pitch. The Biden administration, radical Democrats, and their enablers in the media, big business, and Hollywood are becoming more aggressive in their efforts to advance the agenda. Now, however, this aggression is expanding and is taking on a political dimension. Anyone who questions or refuses to get on the bandwagon, or even dares to deny acceptance of this unnatural lifestyle is immediately denounced and accused of homophobia. And you may become a victim of this attack, have your reputation tarnished, and depending on your profession, you can be canceled and lose your livelihood. There are measures afoot to secure taxpayer funding for LGBTQ issues. In a recent hearing on funding for transportation and housing, Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee became unhinged and engaged in abusive language. Their behavior was mendacious and unbecoming of members of Congress, as they used foul language and vulgarity. Representative Mark Pocan is a Democrat and a homosexual. As he attempted to make the case for the radical LGBTQ agenda, anyone who disagreed with his opinion and demands was called a “bigot.” Even worse, Representative Rosa De Lauro, a Democrat, a rabid abortion advocate, and a Catholic, called her critics “terrorists,” for which she had to apologize and ask that her egregious remark be stricken from the record. The House Appropriations Committee hearing became a platform for the radical element. The internet news source Politico, in an in-depth report, ran a headline that read, “What Do Drag Shows, Pride Flags and Latino Museums Have to Do with Roads and Parks?” The issues that were up for discussion involved gender-affirming care, diversity, equity and inclusion, distribution of pride flags, drag queen workshops, performances and documentaries, and exhibits that portray Hispanics as victims. This effort by Democrats and a powerful LGBTQ lobby to bring this unnatural lifestyle and all of the immoral elements it involves into the political arena poses a threat to our freedoms, especially religion. But the extent and one of the main targets of these radicals and their dangerous extreme agenda is education and the nation’s children. If Democrats can enact legislation that gives special rights to LGBTQ, this will allow them to impose their agenda in all its manifestations into the nation’s schools. It was recently revealed that LGBTQ activist groups were awarding grants to public and charter schools in the U.S. and Canada. The announcement of this action came with a stipulation that the funds would support “a wide spectrum of projects based on the specific needs and priorities of each individual school.” This would include creating a “Pride Garden, hosting a queer prom, creating leadership workshops, staff training regarding LGBTQ issues,” and there’s much more. The American people, especially parents, must speak out and stand firm in rejecting this attempt to sexualize children and normalize this deviant agenda. And when you vote, know that the Democratic Party is the driving force in this effort.
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