Some Perils of Public EducationJune 12, 2023Public schools are exposing young minds to abhorrent and sexualized curricula and activities at the expense of the 3R’s. There might have been a time in your life, perhaps even recently, when a parent, grandparent, or someone of an older generation would frustratingly remark, “Those were the good old days.” It would usually follow when something in the present would strike them the wrong way. They’d recall how it was when they were younger, and things were simpler, less confusing, and disappointing. You would laugh and say something like, “You mean when there was the horse and buggy, and President Lincoln was the Commander-in-Chief. I don’t know about you, but today I find myself repeating the same old line, and not necessarily to anyone in particular, but usually to myself. Whatever the issue may be - religion, politics, morality or immorality, ideological differences, patriotism, music, or a good movie - things have changed, and in many cases not for the better. One particular issue that has gone through a tremendous transformation, and one that has created much controversy, anger, and in some cases violence, is education. Where are those good old days, when the teacher stood before the classroom, and instructed students in the “3 R’s” - Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic? Whatever happened to Geography, American and World History, Civics, Art, and yes even Penmanship? As far as I know, in public schools especially, some of these subjects have disappeared completely. What you might ask has replaced them? There are a number of organizations that have put together reports of the curriculum and activities in schools across the country. Most of these watchdog groups are conservative, like the Catholic League. They monitor highly questionable curricula and morally corrupt programs that exist in schools, that even promote the sexualizing of children. Here is a sampling: * In Newton North High School in Massachusetts, this past April, a drag show was held for students as part of Transgender, Bisexual, Gay, and Lesbian Awareness. Students who decided not to participate were sent to wait in the cafeteria and were ostracized by their peers. * The Massachusetts sex education curriculum teaches middle school students to use cling wrap as a “dental dam” around their teeth, as a method for safe oral sex. * There is a movement in Fairfax County, Virginia to teach middle school students sex education in coed classes. * In Columbia (Missouri) Public Schools during a field trip marking Martin Luther King Day, middle school students were treated to drag shows, without parental notification. * In Churchill High School in Eugene, Oregon, as part of make up in a health class for students who missed coursework, an assignment titled “Fantasy Story,” was assigned to complete. It involved writing a short story about sexual fantasy, and must include candles, massage oil, feathers, and flavored syrup. * There is a teacher at the Saturn Elementary School in the Los Angeles School District who describes “itself” as a “trans-demi-boy non-binary.” This teacher uses stuffed animals to instruct children how to use proper pronouns, and has taught that there are many more genders out there in the universe. * Pitt County Schools in North Carolina teamed up with East Carolina University to develop a radical gender curriculum and policies to ensure students stop normalizing heterosexuality and using gender pronouns, and create LGBTQ-focused classrooms. * Spring Lake Public Schools in Michigan included in their libraries the book “Gender Queer,” which is a graphic memoir, featuring mature sexual content with images of adults engaged in sex acts. * In the John F. Kennedy Middle School in Enfield, Connecticut, 8th graders received an assignment that asked that they “use a pizza as a metaphor for sex.” (Disgust prohibits me to go any further in this case). * Recently in the Wells Road Intermediate School in Connecticut, for Pride Month, a movie was shown to 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students. In one scene a child reveals “I never really felt like a boy, and I don’t really feel like a girl, so I’d rather be both.” The problem, parents were not notified and were up in arms. These examples are but a few of the offensive and outrageous curricula and activities that adults are fostering with children. I could fill pages with the antics of depraved and decadent teachers and heads of schools, in many cases unbeknownst to parents. Even as I write this a news announcement over the radio reports that liberal progressive Democrats, who rule the New York State legislature, have just introduced a new bill that will require all public and charter schools in the state to introduce LGBTQ curriculum in all schools. We as a nation are heading for a fall. If this decadence is not stopped in its tracks, then we can expect future generations of misfits and degenerates, with little, if any, grasp of the requisite knowledge and skills needed to succeed in life.
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