A President Who Seeks to Divide UsJune 5, 2023President Biden’s inflammatory rhetoric of White Supremacy threatens to further divide us along racial lines. In a recent commencement speech before graduates at Howard University, President Biden invoked “White Supremacy” as the greatest threat to the nation. Instead of delivering words of inspiration and hope for the future of the young men and women assembled, Mr. Biden painted a bleak picture of a dark and divided America threatened by MAGA Republicans. This inflammatory rhetoric is nothing new from this president. His speech in August of 2022 when he stood before the people, with an eerie hellish backdrop flanked by uniformed Marines, behind and on each side of him, was something out of “The Twilight Zone.” In this particular talk, it was again MAGA Republicans that were the problem and object of his scorn and condemnation. When the leader of the free world strikes out at a segment of the population, tens of millions of citizens, it creates a climate of tension and conflict among people. You would expect there would be voices raised in objection from most quarters, but this is not the case. Most of the Democratic Party and mainstream media are either silent or nod their heads in agreement. There are thousands of violent crimes committed in any given year in the country, and you would be hard-pressed to find a “White Supremacist” as a perpetrator. So what is the president’s purpose in his constant harping on this divisive term? To begin with, there’s a good possibility that Mr. Biden is merely a conduit, and this effort to create a climate of racial unrest is more a calculated agenda by radical leftists in the administration and the “Deep State,” to unravel the American ethos. Over the past several years there have been racial confrontations, which I believe can be a manifestation of this kind of stirred-up racial animus. Recall the Jessie Smollett hoax in Chicago, when the so-called victim insisted that when his white assailants attacked him, they screamed out this is “MAGA Country.” Smollett is black, and it was found that he had staged the entire episode. Smollett, a media darling, received no punishment for his chicanery that cost the city millions of dollars. There was the New York Central Park case that involved one Amy Cooper who is white, and while walking her dog was confronted by in her words a “Scary black man,” whose name is Christian Cooper; no relation, but some coincidence. Christian Cooper is an avid birdwatcher and felt that dogs were not allowed in this particular part of the park, which was questionable. This incident was the birth of the term “Karen” which is given to a white female who thinks of herself as privileged. After contacting the police, Amy Cooper created a storm, and the social media went into hyper-drive and scolded, insulted, and accused her of racism. It was later determined that Christian Cooper had threatened her, and other dog walkers, prior to the incident. To this day she is still the object of much anger and resentment. In the latest incident, Sarah Jane Comrie is white and a doctor’s assistant, and is pregnant. After having completed a 14 hour work shift, she decided to return home on an Ebike. For those of you unfamiliar with this method of transportation, an Ebike is a motorized scooter furnished by the city. They are parked in various locations, usually in a special locked rack, and come to life when you scan your phone to the bike's receptor, and it is then released from the rack, and off you go. You’re billed according to the amount of time. Comrie completed the transaction and removed the bike from its perch, when five male blacks surrounded her. One of them insisted that he had paid and the bike was his. Comrie resisted and began calling for help, while this back and forth continued someone was recording a video. Eventually, she relented, and the police arrived and news of the incident spread and made its way onto social media. Sarah Jane Comrie, the pregnant nurse, became the villain and was branded a “Karen.” Comrie was suspended by her employer and felt the need to hire a lawyer. It has since been proven through billing receipts from the city that the bike was rightfully hers. She is still, however, to this day the object of scorn for having been, in the minds of the ignorant, guilty of “performative crying.” As for the five black men, they are still considered as victims, even though it was proven they were in the wrong. Can we equate incidents like this with the dangerous rhetoric President Biden continually dwells on? In each of these cases, the white person, or Caucasian race, was the subject of hate and derision, even though they were completely exonerated.
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