When Politicians Surrender to Their Inner DemonsMay 29, 2023The Democratic Party is devoid of honor and decency, and will jeopardize the health and life of their colleagues to satisfy their hunger for power. Politics is a blood sport, and if you’re inclined to pursue the profession and seek office, whatever that may be, be prepared to get bloodied. It has been that way since the beginning of the nation, but the fisticuffs has gotten even more intense over time. The depths of depravity and chicanery that a candidate or party will sink to, in order to achieve their goal, know no bounds and is bottomless. Whether the Republican or Democrat party, the pursuit of power can be debilitating and cause one to act in a manner that is best described in the study of Behavioral Science that deals primarily with human interactions. In other words, those involved in politics, whatever their position, are capable of almost anything to claim victory, good or bad. “Define your opponent before he defines himself,” is a prerequisite when running for office, and both parties will take advantage of that tactic. As of late, however, something else has entered into the fray. What it reveals, aside from the usual activities of the political class, is a reckless, ruthless, and callous disregard for one's fellow man or woman. To begin, let’s first briefly mention Republican Representative George Santos, a politician that I would think most of the known world has heard about. Santos is alleged to have won his race for the seat in Congress through lies and deceit, and it appears the accusations against him are valid. Many, including Republicans, are calling for his ouster unless he resigns. Time will tell; Santos insists he is innocent. Although Santos’ actions are disappointing and an embarrassment; they pale in comparison to the abhorrent and inhumane actions of the Democrats, with the help of the media. The extent of the party’s egregious machinations is a sad commentary on the state of politics and the individuals who pride themselves on serving their constituents and the nation. As far as the Democratic Party is concerned, there are no limits to their chicanery and deviousness. To achieve their desired ends, everything and anything are on the table. They will deny even a modicum of decency and compassion, and betray their own party colleagues. As an example, most of the American people were aware of President Biden’s cognitive impairment, even before he took office. But Democrats would place the country’s safety and security in the hands of a president incapable of leadership, in order to gain power. The 2022 Pennsylvania senatorial race was won by then-Lieutenant Governor John Fetterman. While campaigning he suffered a severe stroke and was hospitalized for a period. When he returned, it was apparent that his mental and cognitive state has deteriorated to the extent that he could not function, understand the spoken word, or communicate. Yet the Democrats and their media handmaidens made certain he would claim victory. While in Congress, Senator Fetterman could not deal with and perform the responsibilities that are required of the office. It became necessary that he use a special computer program that transposed the words of anyone attempting to communicate with him. He also suffered from severe depression, and was again hospitalized for several weeks. Democrats excused the senator’s infirmity, and accused those who questioned his fitness, as being uncompassionate and without empathy. An anonymous source with inside information admitted the party hid the extent of then-candidate Fetterman’s mental and physical deterioration, fearing the voters would reject his candidacy. Democrats have revealed that they will stoop to any devious means, even the health and life of one of their own; they couldn't care less. In a recent committee hearing, the senator asked a question that was incomprehensible; none of the attendees could understand what he was asking. In another sad and callous disrespect for life, Senator Dianne Feinstein (D/ Calif.) is 89 years old and is failing physically and mentally. She is now confined to a wheelchair and was recently hospitalized for a severe case of the shingles. There are calls by Democrats for the senator to resign, thus far she has refused. But behind the scene, Democrats are up to their old dirty tricks. It seems that former Speaker Pelosi still wields significant power in the party; she has endorsed Representative Adam Schiff to succeed Senator Feinstein. However, if the senator resigns, Governor Gavin Newsom (D/Calif.) will select her replacement. It is therefore Pelosi’s druthers to ensure that Senator Feinstein remains in Congress, even at the cost of further eroding her health. Once again, Democrats are a cold-hearted calculating mob, with little, if any, regard for someone who has served honorably for over 40 years.
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