The Perils of Religious FreedomApril 17, 2023Religion has lost much of its importance in the lives of people, and this brings with it persecution and violence. As of late, I have been inundated with information on what seems to be a worldwide offensive against religion. The world’s largest religion, Christianity, in particular, is the focus of constant assault, and this would include all denominations. Attempts to undermine and diminish the importance of religion, and its place in the lives of the people, is nothing new. But the intensity is growing and unless the people, especially the leaders of nations, have a spiritual awakening, things will get worse. The U.S. State Department has recently issued a report on religious persecution and violence from around the world. It revealed that 80% of the world’s population cannot practice their faith without being subjected to strict restrictions. It lists the most intolerant of nations: Burma, China, Cuba, Eritrea, Iran, North Korea, Nicaragua, Pakistan, Russia, Saudi Arabia, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan. Other reports reveal the most dangerous and violence-prone nations toward Christianity, in particular, are those that harbor radical Islam. Nine of the most dangerous nations are majority Muslim, including Afghanistan, Somalia, Yemen, Nigeria, Pakistan, Iran, and Sudan. Of these Nigeria is known to execute Christian worshippers. Violence can originate from the government, angry mobs, lone individuals, and organized Islamic terror groups. Estimates are that 75% of religiously motivated violence is directed toward Christianity. And that over 360 million Christians live under serious and life-threatening persecution. There is also the fact that most of the Western mainstream media have ignored religious oppression and persecution, for a number of reasons, and refrain from reporting on it. The Open Doors Organization monitors Christian persecution and believes there are nine primary entities that drive worldwide religious intolerance: radical Islam, Communism and post-Communist oppression, religious nationalism, ethnic antagonism, tribal oppression, denominational protectionism, secular intolerance, dictatorial paranoia, and organized crime. The degree of intolerance will differ among nations, but this still does not alleviate the suffering. In North Korea the ruling government regime is atheistic Marxist. Christians have no rights to worship, and it is a criminal offense to be caught with a Bible, which can lead to imprisonment or death. China, although not as radical as its neighbor nation, imposes harsh restrictions. Religious freedom in China has its limits, and any accommodation is on the Communist Party’s terms. There is also a high-tech surveillance system to ensure that the content of worship in churches adheres to the Maoist socialism ideology. Also, children under 18 years of age are not allowed in church for any reason. Reasons for intolerance toward Christianity can differ among nations. Muslims associate Christians with the Crusades and Western Civilization, who they view as depraved and morally corrupt in the freedoms it espouses. The post-modern West, however, seems to have lost its will and has deserted any efforts to defend Christianity. Most Western nations have become secularized. They see religion as a problem, and equate it with bigotry, due to its convictions and biblical beliefs. This is especially the case on social and cultural issues like traditional values, abortion, education, the nuclear family, the LGBTQ movement, transgenderism, drag queen story hour, and gender identity ideology. Keep in mind we equate acceptance of these issues with the Democratic Party which has, with some exceptions, revealed a striking secularism and intolerance toward religion, especially Catholicism. The United States was founded on the Judeo-Christian ethic, yet Christianity is under constant attack for its antithetical views of what are in post-modern secular America culturally accepted norms. Catholic Churches were the target of over 300 attacks since 2020. The Observatory for the Intolerance and Discrimination Against Christians, a European organization, documented over 500 hate crimes against Christians, with 4 homicides, and 300 acts of property damage. In another troubling revelation, a recent report from Canada showed that hate crimes against Catholics increased by over 260% since 2021, the most of all religious institutions. In a recent survey by the Wall Street Journal/NORC, respondents were broken down by the political party they supported, and the value they placed on religion in their lives; Democrats - 27%, Independents - 38%, Republicans - 53%. These numbers reflect a dramatic reduction in religious values over the last 25 years; with the largest demographic that believes faith is important in their lives being people over 60 years old. I’ll conclude here with these words; “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” John Adams, Founder and 2nd President of the United States.
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