A Travesty of JusticeApril 10, 2023A former president is persecuted by a radical district attorney, and Americans take sides. In a recent writing, I began with the opening remark, “Is the day of reckoning upon us. Will the hopes and dreams of Democrats, the media, the deep state, and the Leftwing in America, come to fruition?” My inference with this was to remind the reader of the ongoing war against former President Trump, who “In the minds of his detractors made their lives a living hell, and was one of the most despised men in the entire world.” When I wrote this, there was a growing belief that something was about to happen after seven years of attempts to destroy Mr. Trump. And so it has come to pass that the unquenchable need for political power, and the hatred and fear for one man, has made a mockery of the American system of justice. On Thursday, March 29, at approximately 5:00 PM Eastern Time, the news media reported that New York City District Attorney Alvin Bragg, after having held a Grand Jury, issued an indictment against former President Donald J. Trump. Soon afterward the former president issued a statement on his Truth Social platform, it read in part, “The Democrats have lied, cheated and stolen in their obsession with trying to 'Get Trump,' but now they've done the unthinkable — indicting a completely innocent person in an act of blatant Election Interference. "Never before in our Nation's history has this been done. The Democrats have cheated countless times over the decades, including spying on my campaign. They have weaponized our justice system to punish a political opponent, who just so happens to be a President of the United States that is by far the leading Republican candidate for President, this has never happened before.” "Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg, who was hand-picked and funded by George Soros, is a disgrace. Rather than stopping the unprecedented crime wave taking over New York City, he's doing Joe Biden's dirty work, ignoring the murders and burglaries and assaults he should be focused on. This is how Bragg spends his time.” What most Americans living outside New York City, a bastion of radical progressive liberals, are unaware of is that former District Attorney Cyrus Vance, a Democrat, had what seemed ongoing investigations of the Trump Organization for a number of different issues. One of them was the Stormy Daniels affair with then-candidate Trump. When leaving office, Vance decided to drop the matter. One of his attorneys was Alvin Bragg. During his campaign for District Attorney, Alvin Bragg, pledged that one of the first issues he will address in taking office will be to reopen the Daniels investigation of President Trump. But when taking office in 2019, Bragg went back on his word and decided not to pursue the matter. At the time it was felt that the evidence was insufficient. It appears at some point between District Attorney Bragg’s original decision and the current indictment, something changed. There is reason to believe, based on reports, that Bragg is seeking higher office, namely the Governorship. There is also reason to believe that the Democratic Party warned Bragg that he risks losing any support and funds in his goal for higher office if he does not indict their arch nemesis, the former president. While a majority of Democrats have praised the decision to indict Mr. Trump as a victory for the rule of law, there have been a number who have criticized it as a strategic mistake. They have expressed their misgivings that it might interfere and undermine other investigations that are pending against the former president, which are more fact-based. These include the January o6 protest at the Capitol, the Georgia probe to overturn the 2020 election, and the Mar-a-Lago classified documents. Republicans however have rallied around the former president, and most have expressed their outrage over what they believe is a travesty. Former Vice President Mike Pence was adamant in his criticism, “The unprecedented indictment of a former president of the United States on a campaign finance issue is an outrage. And it appears - for millions of Americans - to be nothing more than a political prosecution that’s driven by a prosecutor who literally ran for office on the pledge, to indict the former president.” On Tuesday, April 04 (2023), in New York City at the Manhattan Criminal Court on Centre Street, at 1:30PM Eastern Time, former President Trump and his lawyers appeared before a magistrate to hear the elements of the indictment. Mr. Trump was fingerprinted, but for whatever reason, no mug shot was taken. It took seven years, but Democrats, the media, and the hate-filled liberal establishment have finally been given what they have longed for, their hearts' desire. Let them cherish the moment. But before former President Trump’s detractors celebrate this unfortunate travesty of Justice, and anticipate whatever punishment there may be, if any, they should first reflect on the words of the Prophet Jeremiah, “The Lord is with me, like a mighty Champion; my persecutors will stumble, they will not triumph.” Jeremiah 20:11.
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