The Endless War Against A PresidentMarch 27, 2023When all else fails, they got down in the gutter. His detractors have made every attempt to destroy former President Trump, but he has risen above the fray. Is the day of reckoning upon us? Will the hopes and dreams of Democrats, the media, the deep state, and the Leftwing in America, come to fruition? In their minds will one of the most despised men in all of history, he who made their miserable lives a living hell, be brought to justice? They have been wringing their hands and waiting with much anger and reckless abandon for almost seven years. In that time, they have conducted endless hate-filled harassment and abuse of their nemesis. As I write this the news media is in a tizzy, and network and cable channels are on fire. You can see the smirks and look of retribution on the faces of some of the commentators and hosts, but why? It had just been announced that an indictment of the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump, may be imminent. The enemies of the former president have spent just about every moment of their waking, or perhaps “Woking” hours, firing on all cylinders to see the former president brought to their idea of justice. Since that famous, or for some, infamous descent in the escalator in Trump Tower in 2015, then-candidate Trump became a target and the object of much controversy. The long knives were out, and the slings and arrows of outrage of his detractors hung over Mr. Trump like a Sword of Damocles. When he defeated Hillary Clinton for the presidency, the straw that broke the camel’s back, the mean-spirited and nonstop attacks intensified to a degree beyond what any politician has experienced in recent memory. Accusations of one sort or another, anything his detractors could conceive, were a daily staple. First on the docket was a one-night tryst with an adult film star, which occurred years prior to Mr. Trump’s candidacy. Then the Russian Collusion conspiracy and obstruction of justice charges followed. The inevitable results were an investigation by a special prosecutor, which in the end proved neither of the accusations was justified, and the president was exonerated. So furious were Democrats at failing at every attempt to bring down the president, they proceeded with drumming up out of whole cloth other narratives. After having held a formal House of Representative inquiry, a party-line vote adopted two articles of impeachment. In December 2019 then-President Trump was charged with abuse of power and obstruction of Congress. The accusations involved the president’s solicitation of a foreign nation, Ukraine, to influence its leader Volodymyr Zelenskyy. According to the articles of impeachment, the president, in a July 2019 phone call, threatened to hold up financial aid, unless Zelenskyy announced an investigation into Mr. Trump’s 2020 presidential opponent Joe Biden for his own influence peddling while vice president in the Obama administration. After reviewing all documents, and hearing testimony from a number of witnesses, in February 2020 President Trump was again exonerated and acquitted by the Senate on both counts. This was war, and you can only imagine the outrage, anger, and frustration of Democrats with having lost every battle thus far. But, they were not through, and like the last refuge of scoundrels, they reached down into their bag of dirty tricks, and pulled out another scheme. On January 13, 2021 Democrats issued another article of impeachment, a second attempt. President Trump was accused of inciting the January 6 (2021) attack on the Capital, with it being called an “insurrection.” Once again in a mostly party-line vote, 57 senators voted for impeachment 43 voted not guilty, this was less than the two-thirds 67 votes needed. The president was acquitted on the one article, and since then Democrats have relentlessly continued their attacks on the former president, even though he is out of office. And now for the piece de resistance, when all else fails, get down in the gutter and scoop up a big shovelful of excrement and throw it against the wall and see if it sticks. The whole Democratic and media establishment went back in time, seven years, and brought forth the adult film star that I mentioned earlier. Her name is Stormy Daniels, and she and her lawyers are creating a firestorm. The so-called tryst allegedly occurred back in 2006. It has been established that candidate Trump, through his lawyer, paid Ms. Daniels $130,000 in hush money in 2016, which according to the law is not illegal. It was known at the time, but it did not create any immediate need for further investigation. But New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg, a progressive Democrat, and financed by George Soros when he ran for office, has other plans. It is a certainty that Bragg was pressured by the Democrats, in a last-ditch effort, to reopen the Daniels case. The allegation is that the disbursement of the hush money was not properly allocated as a personal payment, but came out of campaign funds. What makes this so unjust is that when Bragg took office back in 2019, the case was brought to his attention, but he refused to proceed with it. Now that the former president is running for office once again, the long knives have come out. While the nation is struggling with the economy, the southern border, crime, and cultural depravity, this reckless manufactured effort to bring down a president is a disgrace and an embarrassment before the world.
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