Save the ChildrenWho will claim victory for the heart and soul of America?March 20, 2023The modernist radical left seeks to indoctrinate children in schools and libraries across America. They must be made to understand - “Not now, not ever!” Who will claim victory for the heart and soul of America? The battle lines have been drawn - on the right are the conservatives and traditionalists, and on the left are the liberal progressives. The victims in this battle of a culture war that has raged on for years are children who find themselves at the mercy of adults. We the grownups are to have only their best interests in mind and strive to do what’s best for them. Today, the one faction that poses a serious threat to the safety, security, and well-being of children, in the battle, is the institution of education. Schools across the country, dominated by progressive Democrats and socialists, seek to impose on students as young as five years old an aggressive agenda whose ultimate goal is to indoctrinate children into their secular, deviant, and corrupt radical ideology. The American people must stand up and shout from the rooftops that we will no longer take this anymore. We must insist that the education of children follow traditional standards in teaching and curriculum: reading, writing, arithmetic, science, history, civics, etc. The tried and true methods have worked so well in the past, and have produced generations of intelligent, knowledgeable, and morally upstanding Americans that have excelled in their chosen professions. What we are experiencing today, however, is a far cry from what was the original model. The system of education is beholden to teachers' unions that have been besieged by radical demagogues. They have corrupted institutions of learning from kindergarten to the university. Critical Race Theory, gender and LGBTQ studies, transgenderism, drag queen story hours, and sexually explicit class discussions are flourishing, in many cases unbeknownst to parents. This corruption in education may be coming to a head. Parents of students are now coming forward and speaking out in gatherings at school board meetings. They’re arguing against inappropriate curriculum and teaching methods, which have in many cases been kept from them. The most well-publicized encounter was the Loudon County, Virginia meeting where parents stepped forward to challenge and take board members to task for dismissing their concerns. The late renowned radio talk show host Bob Grant would often say “It’s sick out there and getting sicker.” The actions and activities of teachers, principals, superintendents, and school boards are being revealed in the light of day, and publicized for their anti-traditional values teaching methods. Some examples are: * In a recent press conference, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis spoke out against child-inappropriate materials found in books in state public schools. The governor presented as proof a video that accompanied the books. It showed minor children engaged in lewd interactions, which were so graphic, that a local news channel felt it necessary to cut away, and is quoted as saying they “don’t show sexually explicit content.” The governor was responding to his detractors who have accused him of exaggerating, and that his restrictions are unjustified. * A teacher in a Long Island, New York public school forced 5th-grade female students to refer to themselves using male names and pronouns. One 9-year-old girl, it was later revealed, was considering suicide. Her parents are suing the teacher and school district. The teacher also referred to her students as “sexist little children,” because they were only playing with classmates of the same gender. * The editorial board of the Washington Examiner recently commented on the Democratic-controlled Fairfax County School Board wanting to “Combine sex education for boys and girls in grades four through eight.” The plan was “overwhelmingly opposed by parents, students, and teachers.” It includes “changing the sex education curriculum so the terms boys and girls are stricken from the classroom in favor of terms ‘individuals assigned male at birth,' and ‘individuals assigned female at birth.'” The Examiner concludes with these words, “To stop ideologues from transforming their families, parents should elect more Republicans.” * The implications of this assault on children are not only found in the classroom. The Hershey’s Company is known for over a hundred years for its chocolate candy bars. In celebration of the International Women’s Day, it launched a campaign introducing a new Hershey’s ”She Bar” that had as its spokesperson, a transgender woman - biological male - who is quoted as saying “We can create a world where everyone is able to live in public space as their honest and authentic selves.” * Another part of the agenda of this movement directed at children includes removing any aspect of religion from the classroom. An Arizona school district decided after five years to dissolve an agreement it had with Christian University, which gave student teachers an opportunity to perform their practical coursework at elementary schools. The reason given was that Christian biblical teachings and values, and LGBTQ dogma were antithetical to the beliefs of the district. The school board felt “unsafe.” * One Middle School teacher remarked, “Tenured educators should use status to promote sexual child grooming as young as two and three years old. Kids are coming out at younger and younger ages, and there should be a plethora of queer flags in the classroom, as I have in mine.” What I’ve covered here is only the tip of the iceberg. This agenda to indoctrinate children goes deep, and seeks to undermine parental rights and traditional values and education. It is a crusade in the minds of these radicals. The only way to stop them is for all patriotic, God-fearing Americans, especially parents, to stand up, stay strong, speak out, and “Save the Children.”
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