Would You Believe?March 13, 2023In post modern times, government, political leaders, and the culture have engaged in senseless and immoral acts, and yet things only seem to be getting worse. Have we as a nation devolved in common sense and intellectual acumen in practical matters? I believe that those who have gone before us, and have since passed on, would gasp and shake their heads at some of the senseless and idiotic things we in the modern age are capable of. Here are some examples. * During the 2020 “summer of love,” New York City law enforcement determined the most proficient means of controlling protestors was to utilize the method called “Kettling.” This tactic is corralling the mob and barricading them into a specific area. Although there were incidents of the police using what was termed heavy-handed treatment, there were no injuries, except among the police. Before this occurred, protestors were attacking police, spitting on them, and setting vehicles on fire. WOULD YOU BELIEVE: Protestors filed a lawsuit against the NYPD for police brutality, and in a recent court decision, the judge awarded $6 million to 300 of these radicals, which is $21,500.00 per person. * In a recent senate committee hearing Attorney General Merrick Garland was testifying. Senator Ted Cruz(R/TX) asked why the FBI was exerting considerable energy investigating pro-life advocates praying outside abortion facilities, but paid little attention to radical abortion activists desecrating churches, and firebombing pro-life pregnancy centers. WOULD YOU BELIEVE: The Attorney General of the United States, Merrick Garland, head of the Department of Justice, responded to the senator with this statement: “Those actions are taken with photography at the time, during the daylight, and seeing the person who did it is quite easy. Those who are attacking the pregnancy resources centers — which is a horrid thing to do — are doing this at night in the dark.” It appears the FBI is incapable of fighting crime when the sun goes down. * Illegal immigration has always been a perplexing problem in America. But since its inception, the Biden administration has created a humanitarian crisis and a disaster at the southern border. There are a number of states that have had to deal with an influx of migrants, in particular New York, a sanctuary city. WOULD YOU BELIEVE: Taxpayers have thus far had to incur an expense of $4.6 million a day; this will total approximately $1.7 billion annually. While the city has been neglecting its own homeless population, migrants are living off the fat of the land in five-star hotels. There is even a movement in a number of cities to give migrants and illegal immigrants voting rights in local elections and driver’s licenses. The state and federal governments have stayed clear, and have offered nothing of consequence. * There was a train derailment in Palestine, Ohio. It was transporting toxic chemicals. The experts determined the best way to neutralize the disaster, and what could threaten the health of the residents, was to blow up the rail cars, which they did. The result was a fire bomb that created an acrid black smoke that reached stratospheric heights. WOULD YOU BELIEVE: Since the derailment, over the course of the past several weeks, residents have started complaining of health complications. They have insisted that the chemicals and the fallout of particulates from the acrid smoke have infected them, their land, properties, and streams. For over two weeks the Biden administration and Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg paid scant, if any, attention to this environmental disaster. It was only after a firestorm of criticisms that the Secretary paid a brief visit, but avoided contact with the residents. President Biden has yet to visit. * The 2022 midterm elections were controversial, to say the least. In one particular case, for the senate seat in Pennsylvania, Dr. Memet Oz (R) ran against John Fetterman (D), former Lieutenant Governor. In the early part of that year, Fetterman suffered a stroke. It was a debilitating condition that caused him to lose certain cognitive abilities, and it was clear that he was incapable of campaigning. WOULD YOU BELIEVE: Fettermen’s party was so hell-bent to maintain power and the majority in the senate; they completely ignored his infirmity; this has been confirmed by party insiders. So callous and disregarding, they couldn’t care less, and allowed the candidate to stumble and embarrass himself before the public. In the only debate the party agreed to, Fetterman was incoherent and found it difficult to understand questions from the moderator. He won the election, but several weeks later was admitted to the hospital for severe depression, which is where he still resides. His health has been steadily declining. * The Drag Queen Story Hour began in 2015. Its original intent was to promote reading and diversity, gathering children in usually a library setting. It is directed at children between the ages of 3-11. According to one of its founders, “The program strives to capture the imagination and play off gender fluidity of childhood and give kids glamorous, positive and unabashedly queer role models.” Sounds rather innocent, but… WOULD YOU BELIEVE: The entertainers are men scantily dressed in women’s attire, drag, reading from books that in some cases have been found to be inappropriate for children. These drag queens parade around in what appear to be sexually explicit movements. This display is usually performed while the drag queen gyrates and gesticulates, in some cases in a lewd and questionable manner. There are currently numerous libraries across the country that are allowing these depraved story hours, and in many cases the parents are not made aware. What is the one factor that ties each of these narratives together? Don’t waste your time thinking about it. You can trace each one of these debased activities to Democrats and the Biden administration. They had a hand in defending 2020 rioters, a biased Department of Justice and attorney general, migrants and the open southern border, ignoring a train derailment, unconcerned about a candidate’s serious health problems, and defending and promoting LGBTQ, transgenderism, and the drag queen story hour.
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