The Biden Department Of Justice, And Its War On Religious FreedomFebruary 27, 2023The DOJ has a double standard for dispensing justice; one favors Democrats and the left, and the other victimizes Republicans and the right. The American people are facing a dangerous and troubling prospect, whether they know it or not. The effort of the ongoing government intrusion into their lives is reaching a fevered pitch. The activities that government agencies have been involved in, in their quest to deny the people of their constitutional rights, are a direct threat to freedom. And yet another revelation has come to light and can be equated to the actions of a third-world dictatorship. It was recently revealed through the leaking of an eight-page internal dossier, titled “Radical-Traditional Catholic Ideology,” that the Richmond, Virginia division of the FBI had determined that nine traditional Catholic groups be cited as radical and extremist. The consequences of such an action are a direct threat to the constitutional freedom of a religious institution, and can create a dangerous and hostile environment. Most of us by now should have been made aware of the chicanery prior to the 2020 presidential election. The Department of Justice and the FBI colluded with Democrats, big tech, and the mainstream media, in squelching the New York Post’s revelation of the Hunter Biden laptop story. Now another indictment of the FBI’s practices has surfaced, this one involving what has now been established as its search for what it considers preferred extremist factions, in this case Catholics, which make up 23% of the population. This internal dossier was leaked by former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin. The investigation was directed at traditional Catholics, and what the DOJ determined was their possible, but unsubstantiated, ties to the “Far right white nationalist movement.” One of the components of the dossier that enticed the FBI to issue its directive defies logic and understanding, but then again, we’re dealing with an extreme and radical left-wing element in the DOJ. Yes, they do exist, and are dangerous. When leaking the dossier on the website Seraphin wrote, “The FBI Richmond division would like to protect Virginians from the threat of White Supremacy, which it believes has found a home within Catholics who practice the traditional “Latin (Tridentine Mass).” He went on to say he was “Appalled, and as a Catholic and former agent, it was another example of the FBI trying to pick winners and losers, in an arena it is forbidden to engage in.” The Tridentine Mass was practiced prior to the “Second Vatican Council,” and is observed today by (11%) of traditional Catholics. What makes this entire scenario so egregious is that the FBI used as its source for the dossier a list created by the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The list is composed of who SPLC designates to be far right-wing extremist groups, in this case, with ties to Catholic organizations. The SPLC is known to be left-wing and a biased anti-Catholic/Christian/Conservative group. Former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, during the Trump administration, issued an order that the entire Justice Department to stop relying on SPLC. The group got caught slandering and mislabeling religious freedom groups. In speaking for a Catholic media organization, Carol Rhodes stated, “We don’t hate anyone, we’re peaceful. This is America; we have the right to practice our faith. It was really over the top to hear all this. This is crazy and doesn’t make any sense.” Even actor Mel Gibson, a traditionalist Catholic, was targeted in the dossier. Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Younkin’s spokeswoman Macaulay Porter is quoted as saying, “Religious freedom is a foundational tenet of our great nation, and the governor was stunned by the news reports on the FBI memo. While he is encouraged that the FBI removed the document, he believes there must be full transparency and accountability from FBI leadership as part of the review underway.” Missouri Republican state Attorney General Andrew Bailey issued a letter, signed by Nineteen other state Attorneys General, to Attorney General Merrick Garland, which reads, “As Attorney General, I will protect the Constitution, which includes the basic right to religious liberty enshrined in the First Amendment. We already knew that President Biden was launching an attack on the First Amendment rights of Americans, as evidenced by our landmark free speech case Missouri v. Biden, but now it’s clear that he’ll weaponize unelected federal bureaucrats to go after any American who doesn’t worship the ‘right way.’ The First Amendment includes both the right to free speech and religious liberty for a reason, and my office will use any tool necessary to defend the rights of all Missourians to worship as they please.” There can no longer be any doubt, the curtain has been lifted. The Biden Department of Justice has revealed an ideological bias in its application of the law. It has proven that it directs much of its energies toward conservative Americans by targeting specific individuals and groups. From the Loudon County, Virginia parents of students, the assault on the homes of Trump administration officials, the former president's Mar-a-Logo estate, and the violent arrest of Michael Houck at his home, in front of his entire family, for praying outside an abortion facility; the Department of Justice and the FBI has gone rogue and the American people are in danger.
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