The Science Of Medicine - Out Of The Darkness Into The LightFebruary 13, 2023The advancements in Medical Science - the discoveries, treatments, and inventions have saved countless lives over the last two centuries. We can only imagine what the future holds. Most homes have that upper level that adjoins the roof that many people have come to think of as a rather strange and eerie place, the attic. And if you are not averse to the musty odor and sometimes strange sounds, there could be a storehouse of information waiting, memories of ancestors and remnants of the past, things unknown that could color and improve one’s life. On a recent visit to the attic, I came across an old book on Medical Science. The cover was worn and faded, and the introduction and contents were barely readable. From what I could discern, it was published in the 1920s. Glancing through the book, I noticed the glaring differences in the application of methods, procedures, and treatments over the last 100 years, and how Medical Science has advanced. My interest in the subject stems from this: at one time I considered entering the field of medicine. When thinking about all the diseases and sicknesses that have plagued mankind throughout history, it came to mind how science in the field of medicine has changed. There have been impressive discoveries and technological advancements in treatments and the instruments and tools used. The cures, medicines and vaccines, transplants, and open heart surgeries have saved countless lives. Also, advancements in artificial intelligence are being used to identify cures for various ailments. One can only imagine how the people of past generations, before the advent of advanced medicine, dealt with disease and sickness knowing that in most cases there was no hope, and serious infirmity or death was ever present. Over the last two centuries, dedicated scientists in the field of medicine have developed cures and treatments. These monumental achievements have had a tremendous impact on the health and well-being of people the world over. It occurred to me that perhaps most of us have had little direct involvement with the study of medical science, and that it might be of interest to know just how long a way we have come. It is a true testament to mankind’s ingenuity and genius. Following are several of the most notable life-saving discoveries and advancements. * VACCINATIONS: The discovery of introducing foreign agents into the body has had positive results in building prevention and resistance through a pathogen. This has had a tremendous effect in reducing the spread of infectious and deadly diseases. Before this advancement, people had to rely on “bleeds,” potions, and other trial-and-error treatments that had little or no effect, and in most cases no scientific basis. Modern science has allowed us to reap the benefits and live longer and healthier lives. * ANESTHESIA: Anesthesia was first introduced in 1842 by American surgeon Crawford Long. Up until that time, just imagine having to go through a difficult perhaps even prolonged surgery without having the resource to be placed in a state that induces a loss of sensation and having to feel excruciating unbearable pain. It allows doctors to perform complex and sometimes lengthy surgeries, which would be impossible and threaten the patient’s life. Anesthesia allows the patient to remain conscious, and resist pain; it has changed the world of medicine. * PENICILLIN: In 1928 the Scottish physician Alexander Fleming, while experimenting, discovered a rare variant of mold spores, the antibacterial substance we’ve come to know as Penicillin. There is some anecdotal evidence that ancient cultures may also have discovered the anti-bacterial properties of certain molds. Penicillin is widely used to counteract and stabilize any number of infections. To this day a number of scientists have improved in stabilizing penicillin and finding more productive strains. They have also developed a means to mass produce penicillin. * INSULIN: In 1921 Canadian physiologists Frederick Banting and Charles Best discovered Insulin, a treatment for diabetes. The body is capable of healing itself. for Insulin was developed from a derivative of a protein secreted by a cell in the epidermis (outer skin). Insulin allows diabetes sufferers to monitor their glucose levels while maintaining a normal lifestyle and diet and avoiding organ damage. Both Banting and Best were awarded Pulitzer Prizes for their achievement, and for creating a more improved quality of life for the sufferers of the disease. * GENE THERAPY: Gene Therapy has revolutionized the treatment of genetic and chronic diseases, such as Cystic Fibrosis. It delivers a corrective gene into cells to supplement or replace a mutated gene with a more functioning one. The technique for the use of Gene Therapy has also gone through significant uses and improvements to treat other illnesses such as cancer, HIV, and blindness. * GERM THEORY: Louis Pasteur is a name that most of us are familiar with. Pasteur was a French chemist and microbiologist, and was the foremost scientist in the study of medical microbiology; his contributions are recognized as unprecedented in his field. His pioneer work in molecular biology led to the discovery of a microorganism that caused fermentation and disease, which led to the process of "pasteurization," which allows a substance such as milk to remain in a purified state for a period of time expelling objectionable organisms. * MEDICAL IMAGING: Over the last century Medical Imaging (X-rays) has revolutionized the method of medical care; its accuracy in diagnostics is unparalleled. Doctors can quickly identify and treat several health issues, such as cancer and broken bones, and observe the structure of the body’s tissue. Advances have opened up other uses for Medical Imaging, such as standard procedures including regular physicals, ultrasounds, and CT scans. These are but a few advancements in Medical Science that have saved countless lives over the last two centuries. Anyone who has had to suffer through sickness and disease, and in what once seemed like interminable pain, hardship, and uncertainty, can today look toward a more healthy quality of life and a more certain future.
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