The Man Who Would Remake AmericaFebruary 6, 2023The radical progressive agenda of billionaire George Soros poses a serious societal and cultural threat to the safety and security of America, and it must be neutralized. On a recent visit to the local Post Office, I noticed a poster on the wall. It consisted of a photo of a man, and directly above it was the word WANTED. Without going into any of the details described on the poster, suffice it to say, according to the information given; this was a bad hombre. Below the photo was a warning, “Dangerous, do not approach; notify law enforcement.” Curious, if you were asked who you believe to be the most dangerous person in America, what your answer would be? I imagine your response would run the gamut of a cross-section of suspects, which would include perhaps a terrorist, serial killer, or criminal with a history of violence and breaking the law. But dangerous does not necessarily have to mean a violent individual. It could be a person of power and influence, such as the CEO of a major corporation, including mainstream media outlets and social media platforms, or perhaps a politician, even a president. In an article in the New York Post, based on a book by author Matt Palumbo, “The Man Behind the Curtain,” the most dangerous person in America, is none other than 92-year-old billionaire George Soros. This comes as no surprise, for some years now I as well as many others, consider Soros in a class and league unlike any other in recent memory. Your common criminal element, like the one on the poster on the Post Office wall, although perhaps more scary and life-threatening, is not above the law - well, in most cases. And his or her crimes are usually confined to a specific type of crime and location. The danger that George Soros poses however has no borders, usually breaks no laws, and is a dominant and hostile force throughout the nation, and an existential threat to the American people. Soros is an ideological demagogue and propagandist, whose philosophical theories comprise a progressive socialist agenda. Dangerous, indeed, but worse - Soros is a billionaire with a cause. His dream of the ideal state, if it ever comes to fruition, is a Marxist totalitarian society of dependent subordinate and classless citizens with the government as overseer and guardian, and elites like him working behind the scene. George Soros’ biography reveals he was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1930; his birth name was Gyorgy Schwartz. Over time he gained recognition as a businessman and philanthropist, and is known as the man who broke the Bank of England by shorting the British pound, coming away with over a $1 billion profit. He arrived in the United States in about 1969 and began further his money-making endeavors as a hedge-fund manager. This added to his already impressive wealth that today is estimated in the tens of billions. Soros’ billions have been funneled from his “Open Society Foundation.” Most of these funds since 1971 have been directed at Democratic Party and radical left-wing progressive causes, including elections and education. Over $40 million has been invested in electing 75 leftist progressive District Attorneys. These paid-for radicals, include George Gascon/ Los Angeles, CA; Kim Fox/ Chicago, IL; Larry Krasner/ Philadelphia, PA; Kim Gardner/ St. Louis, MO; and Alvin Bragg/ New York City. Chesa Boudin of San Francisco, CA so alienated himself from disgusted people for his pro-criminal position, he was recalled and removed from office. You might recognize some of these names as having been in the news and at forefront of prosecutorial policies that tie the hands of judges and favor the criminal over the victim. This undermining of the justice system is achieved with the assistance of bail-reform laws passed in major cities by Democratic progressive legislatures. Each of these DA’s cities is governed by Democrats, and has seen substantial increases in crime and recidivism across the board, and criminals set free. There are many others, most lesser known, but still causing grief at the expense of the innocent residents of their districts. The “Open Society Foundation” invested $125 million in the 2022 midterm election. Most, if not all of these funds went strictly to Democratic candidates and election and community activist organizations. Furthermore, to add to all this funding, I was surprised and troubled to learn that certain well-known and connected journalists and TV hosts were also recipients of Soros’ largess, as well as serving on the boards of his foundations. National Public Radio (NPR), Public Broadcasting Station (PBS), as well as those affiliated with CBS News, NBC News, CNN Cable, MSNBC, and the Washington Post, to name a few. Most people know Soros as a businessman and philanthropist, we can add to those descriptions; secularist, humanist, relativist, and infidel. He seeks to undermine, pervert, and condemn all entities that are antithetical to the progressive left movement. This includes capitalism, which is how he made his billions. It doesn’t make any sense, but then remember we’re dealing with a radical extremist, who although Jewish by birth, is an avowed atheist who has on a number of occasions boasted of his disbelief in God. Soros is also one of the most prominent financial backers of abortion rights and Planned Parenthood, as well as the LGBTQ agenda. God, Family, Country, the Constitution, patriotism, traditional values and institutions, and the American dream, as we have come to know it, will have no place in a Soros world. He seeks to create totalitarian dominance, to undermine and eventually destroy the way of life that has existed since the inception of this nation. In other words, he would crack, with money and mayhem, the Judea-Christian foundation upon which America was built, and then watch it crumble, and replace it with a godless hellscape.
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