The New Republican Majority’s Commitment To The PeopleJanuary 23, 2023The last two years under the Biden administration have been troubling and divisive, but with a new Republican majority in the House of Representatives, hopefully, change is on the horizon. The new Republican majority in the House of Representatives made promises to the people, in their “Commitment to America.” They would concentrate on issues of major importance, and based on what has transpired their first week in charge with the 118th Congress being sworn in, it appears they have indeed hit the ground running and in their words, are cleaning house. The Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy, has announced a “New Direction” that the new Congress has pledged to enact. This will be composed of more accountability, transparency, and a greater open House chamber, and the passing of a revised rules package that “transitions away from the top-down centralized control to a new approach that empowers members and restores regular order.” The Republican majority has also issued a pledge to the Senate that it will no longer be acceptable for any member of Congress to attempt to pass major spending legislation, such as the taxpayer-funded trillion-dollar omnibus boondoggle, without first a representative from Congress appearing before the House to explain and defend it. The new majority’s first legislation was the repealing of funding for 87,000 newly hired IRS agents that was included in the aforementioned omnibus bill. It is believed, aside from what Democrats have insisted, that this addition was intended as an added burden to monitor and control hardworking American taxpayers and small businesses, through the tax collector. Another of the first pieces of legislation by Republicans was the “Born Alive Survivors Protection Act.” The law states an infant that survives an abortion “is a legal person for all purposes under the laws of the United States,” and must be attended to by medical staff, or transferred to the nearest hospital. And for the 81st time over the past five years, all but two Democrats voted against the bill. Why, you might ask, would any compassionate and humane person accept and support infanticide, the murder of an innocent infant? Perhaps it is because they do not possess enough compassion, and are considered by many as “the party of death.” Republicans have also issued a resolution condemning attacks on pro-life groups, without Democrats joining in this effort. Republicans will also direct the Department of Justice (DOJ) to investigate attacks on churches and Pro-life Pregnancy Centers. Over 200 attacks, including firebombings, have been reported, but the DOJ has not conducted any investigations, and there have been no arrests. The new majority has established a Select Committee, which passed with overwhelming bipartisan support, to investigate and confront the Chinese Communist Party and its nefarious and dangerous machinations, from the origins of the Coronavirus to its theft of American technology, and the purchasing of large plots of land in America. This will also focus on bringing back jobs to America that were lost to China. A select subcommittee will focus on the “Weaponization of Government,” which will entail investigating government collusion with the private sector, such as the FBI’s clandestine operation that sought to influence social media, without the public’s knowledge, in particular Twitter and Facebook. The committee will seek to issue reforms to protect the liberties of the American people. In December of 2022, Speaker McCarthy sent a letter to President Biden asking that he issue a directive to lift the vaccine mandate that was imposed on the military back in August of 2021, which has since resulted in the discharge of thousands of service members. This mandated change has recently been implemented and was included in the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act in order to gain Republican support. On Tuesday, January 10 (2023), Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin rescinded the mandate, which will allow all members to return to active military service. In his rescinding of the mandate, Austin stated, in part, “No individual currently serving in the armed forces shall be separated solely on the basis of their refusal to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.” The Republicans will also enact legislation that respects and supports law enforcement, secures the southern border and our sovereignty, enhances America’s energy independence, and a “Parental Bill of Rights.” The Speaker has also promised to release all the security videos from the January 06, 2021 protest at the Capitol; most were kept under wraps by Nancy Pelosi and the biased investigative committee. Additional legislation covers a bill that will stop funding, in part, of the World Health Organization when it promotes abortion. As you can see, Republicans under the leadership of Speaker Kevin McCarthy have laid out an aggressive agenda; hopefully, they will fulfill all their commitments; we will be watching.
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