Abortion is a human tragedy that ends the life of the unborn baby. But the mother can also suffer the emotional and mental strain of her decision.
The most tragic and violent consequence of abortion is of course the termination of an unborn life. But what many on both sides of this endless and seemingly insurmountable debate fail to consider, is that there are two victims. The mental and emotional impact it has on the mothers, if not when the procedure is performed, at some point can have a damaging effect on their lives. There are countless stories and confessions by the mothers of aborted babies that are both sad and heartbreaking. Because of the many I have encountered, I offer this fictional story.
Innocent and pure without blemish or sin,
they stood not a chance to show us their worth,
their lives were ended before they began,
at the moment of conception or just before birth.
Millions were lost in the battle for life,
there was no victor, no spoils of war,
only bitterness, anger, and deep loss,
that comes when love's no more.
What could they have offered, and what contributions?
But they were victims before they were born,
there’d be no eulogies, tears, or pain,
and no one would be there to mourn.
A Mother's Pain
She sat alone in the park on an old hard bench,
confused, filled with guilt and dismayed,
and she watched with sadness and deep regret,
while in the distance children played.
Their screams and laughter were painful reminders,
as she listened with tears in her eyes,
and cursed the day she decided to act,
knowing now all her excuses were lies.
Her sorrow now had its birth years ago,
unlike the life that might have been,
now she sighs when looking back to that day,
and in her heart knows of the grievous sin.
Was it a girl? She never bothered to ask,
with big bright eyes and a little pug nose,
but questions like that will go unanswered,
back then she didn’t care, she just “chose.”
And what if it was a big bouncing boy
with a smiling face and curly hair;
but at the time she decided this was unimportant,
and now there’s an emptiness and despair.
So she sits there alone under bright blue skies,
and feels the gentle touch of a summer breeze,
that sounds like the cries of a little child,
as it wafts through towering trees.
What might have been had she embraced new life,
and accepted her role as mother,
she might have watched today, a son or daughter at play,
a feeling like no other.
Scholar, teacher, doctor, inventor,
what would life have held in store,
for the son or daughter whose mother decided?
But her decision back then closed that door.
This was just another sad reminder,
of when she was young and too busy years ago,
now regret fills her mind and sorrow her heart,
because now she will never know.
But then suddenly the sky began to darken,
gray clouds assembled in the sky,
all became quiet, the sounds of children faded,
she bowed her head and began to cry.
She asks herself, “When will it end?”
…to the sounds of distant thunder,
and as the rain begins to fall, so too do her unending tears,
her life has been torn asunder.
A friend tried to warn her, and spoke these words back then,
“One day you’ll regret this, the hurt will run deep,
so from someone who knows and understands how you feel,
believe me when I say, to this day I still weep.”
She left the park and walked alone in the rain,
unaware of the people and sounds of the city;
this was the place that swayed her thinking,
it was a cold hard town without pity.
That night for the first time in many years,
she got down on her knees to pray,
and because it had been so very long,
words failed her, what should say?
She was confused, desperate, and still grieving,
again tears streamed down from her eyes;
finally, with all the strength she had left, she cried out,
“Lord forgive what I’ve done, and all the lies.”
She lay in bed, and fell into restless sleep,
and was haunted in darkness with nightmarish dreams,
while again she walked down the city streets,
where there were voices, cries, and screams.
Suddenly she found herself in another place;
there was a brilliant light, it was too much to bear,
then a calming voice spoke, “Open your eyes and see,
for I have listened and heard your prayer.”
“When an innocent unborn life is ended,
know the body is gone, but the soul's asleep,
and when awoken, the gates of heaven open,
and they reside forever in My care and keep.”
“You have grieved and shed tears for what you’ve done,
I know the truth in all you do and say,
I forgive your wrong and accept your confession;
you will be in heaven with the one you denied life to, some day.”