What Is The Measure Of A Noble Cause?November 28, 2022There have been causes throughout history - some were noble, and others were nothing more than selfish, harmful, and destructive movements. Throughout history, there have been endeavors that hoped to achieve certain results. Many of these can be defined as noble causes that strived and aspired for the betterment of humanity, others as the actions and schemes of the malicious and power-hungry, whose greed and hatred brought pain and hardship into the lives of people. Extending a helping hand to those in need, the destitute, feeding the poor, clothing the naked, defeating world hunger, striving for world peace, finding cures for disease, and on and on; these are some of what we can think of as noble causes. And let us not forget what we fought for, liberty and freedom for all people, the Revolutionary and Civil Wars, World Wars I and II, all noble causes. But we are not a perfect people, and the world is filled with charlatans, those who would use any deceitful and unscrupulous means at their disposal to attain a desired end. This past midterm election could be a study in causes. It was for some who ran for office an opportunity to advance what they believe was a worthy effort, and a noble cause. To do the right thing for one's fellow Americans, possibly your future constituents, and campaign on a platform of truthfulness and policies that would bring about the freedoms we all enjoy that lead to better more affluent lives. Exit surveys of voters leaving polling places revealed what is a rather stark dichotomy from the results of the election. Most voters felt that on 5 issues, the economy, inflation, southern border, and crime, Republicans bested Democrats by double digits, and yet the expected “Red Wave” never materialized. This begs the question, why would the people who are living through tremendous hardship, which it appears is only going to get worse, vote to keep the party that has exacerbated the problem in power? The Democratic Party is not above just about any devious method, as a means to an end, to maintain its power and control of Congress. From the very top, the president, on down to senators, congressional representatives, and state and local officials, with few exceptions, the party has shown its radicalism, and the extremes it will go to undermine, wrongfully accuse, and destroy reputations with little, if no, regard for the damage and harm it leaves behind. Say what you will about Republicans, there is no comparison to the degree of the Democrats' treachery, especially against those that offer a different view on issues and even in some cases their own supporters; their devious activities are unparalleled. Together with the Department of justice, media, and big tech cohorts, Democrats have woven a web of deceit and election malfeasance; just look at the delays and uncertainty of the returns in Arizona, Nevada, California, and Pennsylvania, with some votes as of this writing still being counted, over a week later. Previously I mentioned exit polling and how voters responded to 5 issues, and that Republicans fared far better than Democrats on the issues that a majority of the American people consider a priority. You may have noticed I only mentioned four, but there was in fact one other issue that was at the bottom of the group that Democrats exceeded Republicans by double digits, Abortion. The Democrats' strategy worked; through fear-mongering of the abortion issue which they based a major part of their campaigning on, they convinced the uninformed voter that Republicans would take away their right to abortion. Again, Democrats are capable of some of the most devious and underhanded tactics to get what they want. I cannot recall any occasion where the actions of Democrats could be considered a noble cause. The “Red Wave” I spoke about previously that did not occur, applied to the election results. However, there was in fact a red wave; my contention is based on the shedding of blood of the most innocent, a stain on this nation and unworthy of a civilized people, and yet voters put aside issues of immediate importance to ensure that they and others, at the behest of Democrats, would have the right to continue to destroy unborn life; let the rivers of blood flow. What a sad commentary.
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