The Woke Agenda Is Spreading Like A VirusHeads of major corporations have succumbed to the pied-piper's call of the woke mob.November 14, 2022There is a relatively new and active movement and investment strategy that has emerged in the business world; it’s referred to as Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG). What it encourages is that big business conducts its affairs in an environmentally and socially constructive manner. Some have insisted that this is part and an extension of the “woke agenda.” According to surveys, few investors can say they are familiar with (ESG), of 1200 interviewed only 24% expressed some familiarity. There have been a number of Republican governors that have spoken out and voiced their opposition, leading state treasures to withdraw funding from businesses, specifically asset managers, which promote the (ESG) agenda. Representative Jim Banks (R-IN) has labeled it a scam, and that “ESG is the left’s attempt to abuse our nation’s finances for their own political ends. They are prioritizing wokeness over dividends, and millions of American retirees are paying the price.” Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance has created a groundswell of disapproval similar to the debate that ensued with Critical Race and Gender Theory in schools. The belief is that when Democrats are in power, and the leftist agenda prevails, they impose restrictions and mandates that support their worldview, such as in areas that have an impact socially and environmentally. Many think of them as out of touch with reality, that they fail to understand what is more important to the American people such as the economy, inflation, and the southern border. It has been firmly established that corporate America, perhaps not all, has embraced a politically active business model and it tilts to the left; (ESG) is another phase of that agenda. Surveys have revealed however that many investors know little about (ESG). It was reported that the three largest asset management firms, Black Rock, Vanguard, and State Street, have made substantial pledges toward matters concerning climate. The New Founding is a politically active group, which stands in opposition to the woke corporate and investment agenda, its co-founder Matthew Peterson has stated “There’s more awareness than there has been in the past. It’s really insidious when you think about the way that they’re doing this. Because they’re hijacking the consumer’s savings and investments, and using them to push their political project, reward their friends and punish enemies.” The ESG strategy, as previously mentioned, is just another element in the promotion and advancement of woke standards. Corporate acceptance of what is a politically progressive left agenda that seeks to indoctrinate the American people through clandestine means is un-American. Democrats, in the majority, have had little to say about this, but then of course the essential aspects of ESG are in keeping with their climate change agenda. In her recently released memoir, “Levi’s Unbuttoned,” Jennifer Sey, the former CEO of Levi’s brand jeans, was forced to resign because she bucked the woke agenda. She discusses another aspect of woke corporate madness, and explains how “Woke capitalism is corporate America’s attempt to profit off millennial and Generation Z activism.” From all indications, today’s corporate heads, CEOs, lack fortitude and courage and have surrendered their dignity and integrity, desperate to appear to be seen as good and accommodating to the woke mob. There may be some relief on the way to this corporate/political juggernaut. If the Republicans assume the majority, according to some voices in both houses of congress, there will be oversight committees conducting reviews of a number of areas of concern, revealing for all to see and understand that this madness of wokeism in the business world is antithetical to what has been from the beginning non-political, and within conventional and traditional standards. The American people, up until the last couple of years, have been unaware of the extent of this incursion by the progressive left, Democrats, and many in the media into areas like education, the military, and corporate America. But I believe change is in the air, people are stepping up to confront the madness, and hopefully, they will continue to further express their outrage.
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