Sanctuary Cities Face Reality, And Learn A LessonOctober 24, 2022Millions of illegal immigrants have entered the country since 2021. The Biden administration has taken no action, and the belief is this is part of a Democrat agenda to gain votes at the expense of our safety and sovereignty. The concept of Sanctuary cities in the United States can be traced back to the early 1980s. It began as a movement with its roots in religious philosophy. What were considered injustices posed by the United States government and its refusal to recognize and grant asylum to Central American refugees, mainly from El Salvador and Guatemala, led to faith-based groups in the Southwest U.S. providing the refugees sanctuary in churches. The movement gained momentum in San Francisco in 1985 with a symbolic resolution that passed titled “City of Refuge.” Within that same year, an ordinance was introduced which forbade the use of city funds and resources to comply with federal immigration enforcement regulations. As of 2018, data gathered revealed over 560 cities, states, and counties as having declared themselves as sanctuaries. Sanctuaries are devoted to securing the protection, safety, and social benefits for people who entered America illegally. This includes shelter, sustenance, and education for children. Most, if not all, sanctuaries are located in states and cities governed by Democrats, who up until 2021 were never really tested for their fortitude, strength, and ability to deal with the challenge of what has now become an overwhelming humanitarian disaster. Only this time, unlike in the 1980s, the federal government is sympathetic to the cause. When President-elect Biden announced his intention to open the southern border, millions of migrants - estimates place the number between 4-5 million, more than at any other time in recent memory - have crossed the border, defying America’s immigration laws, and her sovereignty. This has led to a crisis that has created much upheaval in sanctuary cities, namely New York, Washington D.C., and Chicago. What to do with all this additional humanity? Over the last year, the Biden administration has willfully and unapologetically implemented a clandestine operation, which saw fit to fly groups of illegal migrants in the dead of night, into a private airfield in Westchester County, New York. These people, not chattel, were then off-loaded to buses and dispersed throughout the country. Border states, Texas and Arizona, have had to deal with this deluge from the beginning. Their cities and towns have been inundated with migrants trespassing and begging for food at the doors of residents. Over 800 men, women, and children have died in their journey to America, and over one hundred thousand Americans, young men and women, have succumbed to fentanyl drug overdose, thanks to Mexican drug cartels that are flooding the southern border with the synthetic opioid. Up until several weeks ago, it was only the Fox News channel reporting daily on the crisis at the southern border. But that changed, when about two months ago Governors Abbott and Ducey of Texas and Arizona respectively, decided to send a message to sanctuary cities, the Biden administration, and the media. They began busing migrants up to northern cities, without any forewarning. Since this operation began, mayors Adams of New York, Lightfoot of Chicago, and Bowser of Washington D.C. have had to deal with a flood of migrants, minuscule as compared to Texas' and Arizona’s overwhelming burden. New York and Washington D.C.’s shelter systems have ruptured beyond capacity, which has upset the native-born homeless who complain of overcrowding. Mayors Adams and Bowser have cried out for assistance from the federal government, but thus far their entreaties have gone unanswered. Adams attempted to erect tent-like cities in the parking lot at Orchard Beach in the Bronx, but the effort failed because it was determined the location was flood-prone. Adams has since begun putting migrants in 4-star hotels, of course at taxpayer expense, and still the migrants come. Mayor Lightfoot of Chicago took the easy way out, and proved just how unprepared and inept these mayors are, after all their pronouncements over the past several years of how they would welcome one and all illegal immigrants into their sanctuary cities. Lightfoot placed the migrants on another bus and shuttled them off to a northern suburb, populated mostly by white folk. This move by Governors Abbott and Ducey, and as an added incentive to bring attention to the migrant crisis, Governor De Santis of Florida also sending a bus load of migrants to what many consider the most exclusive enclave in America, Martha's Vineyard, was the last straw. The outcry from the hypocritical mayors, the Democrats, the media, and the radical left has been nonstop; how dare these governors so callously and without compassion treat innocent human beings this way? The governors' move achieved its goal, the open southern border and migrant influx has been noticed and other reporting outlets have taken up the issue. But not one of these entities has had the decency and honesty to cast blame on the person who started this and is to blame for this fiasco, President Biden. As of this writing, New York has taken in about 20,000 migrants, Washington, D.C. 9400, and Chicago 750-1000. The Biden administration has nothing to say; when questioned, the president, press secretary, and Secretary of Homeland Security have each stood before the American people and claimed without the least bit of concern or hesitation, “The border is closed.” This is an outright lie, of course, and a disgrace.
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