The Disrespect For The Dignity Of Innocent Human Life ContinuesOctober 3, 2022Man’s inhumanity to man reaches into a woman’s womb and aborts the innocent unborn, and then violates the sanctity of that life. There have been occasions when for one reason or another, I have hesitated to submit a particular writing for publication. Usually, this would occur when the subject matter involved was of a disturbing nature. I found myself uneasy, not wanting to be the bearer of such bad tidings. But then giving the matter further thought, I decided the people must be made aware, or we would all be lesser for it as long as it continued to exist. So if you’re faint of heart, or haven’t had your lunch or dinner yet, heed this warning and consider whether to go any further. Who would have thought that Mary Shelly’s gory and nightmarish horror classic “Frankenstein,” is in a sense being imitated today, in real life? The Center for Medical Progress (CMP) is a pro-life organization; its founder and leader is David Daleiden. In the past, I have written about the CMP and their undercover videos that exposed the disturbing and shocking practices of Planned Parenthood (PP) and its association with the University of Pittsburgh. Recently I received information that reveals that both of these entities continue to engage in the harvesting of live aborted baby body parts for experimentation. According to CMP this government-sponsored barbaric and inhuman practice has metastasized, and the University of Pittsburgh continues experimentation, only now another actor has joined the depraved cast of characters in this real-life horror story. In one particular experiment, the scalps of five-month-old babies were removed and stitched to the backs of lab rats, to monitor the growth of the baby’s hair. This grotesque experiment was paid for by Dr. Anthony Fauci’s National Immunological and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) office at the National Institute of Health (NIH). I am not surprised at this revelation. This ‘doctor’s’ reputation is tarnished and has suffered immeasurably since he gained notoriety at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. His equivocating and a rather recalcitrant attitude, and what many believe is his involvement in questionable matters, have seen him before senate investigating committees. The depravity does not stop here; the scientific staff at the University of Pittsburgh established a protocol for harvesting of the freshest and most uncorrupted livers of five-month-old aborted babies for stem cells for possible transplant into adults. According to CMP “Premature babies were through labor aborted induction, washed to keep them sterile, and then cut open to harvest the liver.” The scientist, whose name was withheld, who invented this atrocity received approximately $3 million from the (NIH). In 2020 CMP filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request to the NIH for information on the University of Pittsburgh’s grant application for a program called “GUTMAP,” which is a distribution hub for the kidneys of aborted babies up to 5 and 6 months old. According to CMP “The plain meaning of what the university told the NIH in its grant application for taxpayer “research” money is that it would deliver premature babies alive with beating hearts and then kill them by cutting their kidneys out; many of these babies would be old enough to survive with the proper medical care.” Where did the University obtain its human product, baby tissue? Planned Parenthood of Western Pennsylvania whose officials are on the faculty of the University, was the main source. The FBI has been investigating Planned Parenthood’s involvement in the trafficking of aborted babies. But, as I have written before, today’s FBI leaves much to be desired, and I question their investigative methods and trustworthiness. There have been a number of individuals, all doctors, who have been nurtured under the tutelage of the programs conducted by Planned Parenthood and the University of Pittsburgh, and its baby body parts business, as well as other unethical schemes; these include Drs. Jennifer Russo, Mitchell Creinin, Ann Schutt-Aine, Beatrice Chen, Sharon Achilles. Apparently the Hippocratic Oath, “Do no harm…,” means little to these godless disturbed monsters. Keep in mind, a good part of this is taxpayer-funded, which is also illegal. If we’re to assess and give an overview of this pathology, it would read like this: 1. Planned Parenthood supplies the aborted babies to the University of Pittsburgh. The Center for Medical Progress released for public consumption the information it had gathered on both entities this past summer. Based on that information, Senator Josh Hawley and Representative Lisa McClain wrote to Attorney General Merrick Garland, the NIH’s Dr. Francis Collins, and NIAID’s Dr. Anthony Fauci, demanding an explanation of what the government knew about this atrocity; as of today, no response. When I first wrote about this matter, at the time it appeared the perpetrators of this depraved business would be brought to justice, and the harvesting and trafficking of baby body parts would come to an end, but apparently, that is not the case. There is a watchdog group that is engaged in a daily battle to confront this human depravity at the Center for Medical Progress. Hopefully, enough of the American people will be made aware of this tragic situation, and it will end someday soon.
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