Republicans Vs. Democrats - Whose Political Agenda Will Prevail?September 19, 2022The decision is now up to the voters to determine what party will enact policies that will enhance America’s prosperity and safety, and bring unity to a divided nation. The eyes of the nation are all focused on November. Many believe that the coming midterm election will mark the beginning of a course change, hopefully for the better, or, the continuation of our devolution into a chaotic, divisive, and hegemonic hell under the current administration. The way forward will be in the hands of the people who have a choice, and whatever decision they make will determine the fate and destiny of America. The long knives are out and the Republicans and Democrats are exchanging barbs and partisan slings and arrows while they compete for votes. In a 58-page document titled “The Biden-Harris Economic Blueprint,” the administration claims its issues agenda has advanced the nation economically and socially, and that its new policy will provide essential measures to enhance a post-pandemic recovery. I have read some of its points, and suggest it is merely propaganda and subterfuge, a ploy to distract from what is a failed domestic policy. According to this blueprint, it claims that the Biden agenda has “created incentives for workforce training,” when in fact The American Rescue Plan spent $386 million, which placed 397 applicants. It also claims “The administration led the world in a historic release of oil from the global reserves,” while emptying half of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve. It also claims that “The administration has taken critical steps forward, in improving immigration.” There is a humanitarian crisis, and a disaster of unprecedented proportion at the southern border. Until the election, Biden and the Democrats and media I believe will concentrate more on cultural issues than their Economic Blueprint, such as abortion, voting, and LGBTQ rights; and as an added incentive to their voting base, accuse Republicans, especially Trump MAGA Republicans, as threats to Democracy, and the safety and security of America. Since his disastrous speech at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, the president has proclaimed to anyone who will listen, of the danger posed by the former president and those MAGA semi-fascists. In the spirit of the Newt Gingrich 1994 “Contract with America,” the Republican Party has issued a four-part congressional agenda. With expected gains in the House of Representatives, minority leader Kevin McCarty introduced this new policy document, “Commitment to America,” which covered a number of issues vital to sustaining economic security. Included also were, maintaining sovereignty, a parental bill of rights, rebuilding the energy sector and security, support for law enforcement, and reining in the IRS. Republicans gaining majority control of the House of Representatives would be for the first time in 40 years. Specifics of the document center around four themes, which include: “A nation that is safe,” deals with law enforcement and seeks to restore the Trump era “Remain in Mexico Policy;” Reinstatement of Title 42’s health policy initiative that includes summary expulsions; Continuation of the border wall; Violence against police officers would be considered a federal crime; The withholding of funds from municipalities whose “woke district attorneys refuse to prosecute criminal activity. “A future that is free,” includes an assurance to repeal Title 230, the 1996 Communications Decency Act that protects social media big tech, Twitter, Facebook, etc. from legal liability for information, and content posted on their platforms by users, how it is moderated, and review the rules that protect free speech. “An economy that is strong,” promises to “eliminate wasteful government spending that drives inflation,” and repeal the Biden “Build Back Better Program.” “A government that is accountable,” includes this pledge, “use all tools at our disposal to pursue the truth, root out corruption and abuse of power, and provide transparency to the American people on issues that matter most.” In an interview, leader McCarthy stated the following, “We will bring down the cost of energy, make ourselves energy independent creating more jobs, fund the police, and make our streets safe again.” Republicans have also pledged, as part of their agenda, to pursue several investigations into the Biden administration, and Hunter Biden’s overseas business dealings and his father, the then-vice president’s involvement. And isn’t it about time that the Republicans gain the majority, rule with an iron fist, and conduct investigations into the devious and ultra-partisan Democratic Party and its enablers in the Department of Justice and big tech?
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