A President Stokes The Flames Of Fear And DivisionSeptember 12, 2022Millions of the American people have been accused of being enemies of the state; their pawns in a diabolical scheme by an irrational president and his followers. After six years, it comes down to this, an open affidavit. The Democrats and media have thrown just about everything else at former President Trump, impeachments, accusations of treason, and collusion with a hostile regime, but to no avail. Now, there’s no other alternative, it’s time for extreme measures. And so the Biden administration, frustrated and angry, and in an unprecedented move, issues orders to its field general who moves into action and deploys an invading force to search the home of Mr. Trump. It is suspicious however or is it just a coincidence, that the raid on Mar-a-Lago comes as the midterm elections loom on the horizon? Let’s face it; if it was a Democratic president, none of this would be happening. What we have here is a reckless, ruthless, and highly partisan attack on an American president by the Department of Justice and FBI. Mr. Trump challenged the establishment and was thought of as an outsider, but he took hold of the reins of government, rose above the fray, and did a bang-up job, and the so-called ruling elite hate him for it. But now the Biden administration and its puppeteers behind the scene, a cadre of hardcore leftists, in league with the Democratic Party, and the media, with a healthy dose of sanctimony and self-righteous indignation, have decided to travel down another road to achieve its sinister and extremely dangerous desired goal. The end justifies the means to them, and the means they have determined is to divide the nation ideologically and politically, for they have determined that their policies have thus far failed. The administration and Democrats realize they are facing a debacle in the November elections, and it appears they have determined that a possible alternative to mitigate the impact of a Republican shellacking is through fear, deceit, and intimidation. And the chosen messenger to deliver this desperate narrative is President Joe Biden, who has proven to most of the American people that his hostile, malicious, and nasty rhetoric often manifests itself through verbal gaffs, nonsequiturs, and irrational outbursts, sans a teleprompter. On August 17 (2022), at a Democratic National Committee fundraiser in Bethesda, Maryland, Mr. Biden stood before the assembled; he eventually diverted from his remarks on domestic issues, and thus began the operation of deception and division. He began with a tirade of anti-Trump and MAGA diatribe and said the following: “What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of an extreme MAGA philosophy. It’s not just Trump, it’s the entire philosophy that underpins the...I’m going to say something, it’s like semi-fascism. This is not your father’s Republican party, this is a different deal.” To the blasts of trumpets, and presidential proclamation, spread the word throughout the land that the enemy is among us, and its name is Trump MAGA, and the rest of America must stand firm and face this dangerous foe that threatens the very foundation of democracy. This politically calculated move is, in essence, the Biden administration’s contrived stratagem, implemented as a diversion from its dismal, erratic, and failed policy initiatives. They must detract from reality through deception and fear. This narrative continued throughout that week, voiced by Democrats, the media, and a few never-Trump so-called Republicans. Biden’s press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, when questioned at a press briefing, reiterated the same rhetoric. Most sensible and objective people, however, on both sides of the aisle voiced their outrage and concern, fearing this political malfeasance would further divide the nation, and cause possible outbreaks of violence, which I believe the administration and Democrats would welcome. The Republican minority leader in the House of Representatives, Kevin McCarthy (R), California, expressed dismay and called on the president to apologize to the 75 million Trump supporters. He further added, “President Biden has chosen to divide, demean, and disparage his fellow Americans; why, because they disagree with his policies; this is not leadership.” It would appear the August 17 speech I mentioned earlier was apparently not outrageous enough. Any sensible person would have allowed things to settle down, the intent and message were accomplished, but no, this was not to be. On September 1, before the American people in a prime time address, at approximately 8:00 PM Eastern Time from the historic and storied Independence Hall in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in an address billed as “The Battle for the Soul of the Nation, the President of the United States stood before the nation. Behind Mr. Biden was what can best be described as something out of Faust or Dante’s Inferno. It was dark and sinister with blood-red lighting that created an eerie and hellish background. This scene was flanked by a marine in dress uniform on the right and left. Biden resumed his hostile and inflammatory rhetoric calling MAGA Republicans, all 75 million of them, as “Threats to the republic,” and “clear and present dangers.” The following day, when questioned by a reporter, Biden denied having said what we all heard him say. The speech lasted 24 minutes and was permeated with the same anti-Trump MAGA diatribe delivered with gesticulations and harsh facial expressions. None of the major networks broadcasted the rant, knowing beforehand that it was political in nature, but two cable channels carried it. During the speech, you could hear the sounds of sirens in the distance, and among the audience there were hecklers yelling, “F**k Joe Biden.” What has happened in America, what have we come to, when an angry and desperate president comes before the people and insults and demonizes half the country? And a former president is besieged and his home invaded and life disrupted? This reads like the stuff a Hollywood scriptwriter pieced together and created something for the silver screen. But no, it is real life and we are living through it, but hopefully not for long.
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