The November Election - Know The Facts And The CandidatesSeptember 5, 2022Remain vigilant and informed, and confront the November election with knowledge and sound judgment to make the right decision on the best candidate. You have probably heard the old saying “Look before you leap.” This is wise and sound advice, a well-established rule or personal doctrine, and should be a guiding principle in all of our endeavors. Buying a car, home, education, investing your hard earned savings, you should investigate, study, and gather information. Learn all you can about the product, before you take the leap. The following is directed particularly at those who are unsure. is There is tremendous information out there, especially on the internet, and most of it is free. Even on social media, one of its positive attributes, you can ask for others' opinions on the subject matter and together with other sources that could assist you in assessing the situation and making a sound in-depth decision, avoiding mistakes that could possibly be detrimental to positive results. You might be surprised to learn that this sage advice can even be found in the animal kingdom. The impala is a member of the antelope family and has been known in the wild to have the strength and dexterity to jump over thirty feet in length and at a height of up to ten feet, it is essential for their survival from predators. Yet, if you have ever visited a zoo, you will usually see the impala caged within an enclosure with a wall that is usually less than ten feet in height, usually three to five feet. Why then doesn’t the Impala easily jump over the wall and escape to freedom. Some might say it’s just a dumb animal that does not understand its predicament. But the animal’s instincts and its awareness for survival reveal its propensity to not only avoid predators but to successfully engage its lifesaving maneuver. The impala will not jump unless it can see where it will land, and the wall in the enclosure prevents it from seeing the other side. If it cannot see its landing place, it will not jump or leap. Previously I gave several examples of where most of us would apply this advice. But there is one other area that may not be as concerning to most, especially when there is money involved, but its importance cannot be emphasized enough, and that is politics. The decision each of us makes in determining who we vote for is usually regimented, sticking strictly to party line and ideology. But the approaching November midterm election has to be the most significant in recent memory. I believe the safety, security, and prosperity of this nation are weighed in the balance. Radical Democrats, however, have proven that whatever they touch they spoil, whatever they say is suspect, and whatever they promise is meaningless. Democrats must be soundly defeated, and with extreme prejudice, and if the Republican “Red Wave” does not emerge, we will face a perilous future both near and possibly for generations to come that will sap the greatness of America, and bring her to her knees. In deciding who the better candidate is, we cannot see beyond the facts like the caged Impala cannot see beyond the wall. There are likely no Nostradamuses out there capable of forecasting future events and outcomes, and seeing beyond the results of an election and the aftermath, so we must rely on the information we gather, and regrettably an extremely biased media. It is therefore imperative that each of us does our homework, looks before we leap, and studies the issues and the candidates, and doesn’t pay any attention to the polls. Alexis de Tocqueville wrote, in part, “America is great because she is good, and if America ever ceases to be good, she will cease to be great.” Under the continued governance of the Biden administration, and the majority rule of the Democratic Party, America will cease to be good, and thus cease to be great.
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