The Supreme Court Is Vindicated, States Will Determine The Fate Of AbortionAugust 15, 2022The lies and misinformation by abortion advocates need to be dispelled. The people of Kansas have actually voted down a pro-life amendment. On June 24 (2022) the Supreme Court overruled Roe vs. Wade, returning the legality of the right to an abortion to the states. The outcry from left-wing progressive abortion activists across the country was palpable, and since then, ruling radical extremists have made life miserable for the conservative Supreme Court justices, protesting at their homes; one armed deranged individual appeared at the home of Justice Bret Kavanaugh with the intent of assassinating him. Abortion extremists have engaged in acts of violence at crisis pregnancy centers, fire bombings destroying structures, defacing outer walls with graffiti and threatening verbiage and symbols. The Biden administration and the attorneys general have made little, if any, effort to investigate these acts of violence. As far as they’re concerned local law enforcement can handle the matter, unlike the Layton County, Virginia parents who protested their school board and the curriculum that included teaching gender and LGBTQ studies. In this case, the attorneys general issued an order to investigate the parents as possible domestic terrorists. Abortion is now the province of each state, which will decide its fate. Thus far about 15 of the states plan to either outlaw abortion or implement restrictions; some of these had what is called trigger warnings, which involved suspending any decision on abortion pending the court’s ruling. The ongoing outcry, however, and the violent activities of activists, and the false statements made that abortion is now illegal in the U.S. is the mantra of the progressive left that seeks to stir up tensions, and further divide the nation. Recently primaries were held in a number of states. In one particular case the people of Kansas also voted and rejected a pro-life “Value Them Both” amendment, thus striking down the anti-abortion measure. The people voted nay in the majority, vindicating the Supreme Court’s ruling, and sending a message to the nation that the states and people will in fact determine the fate of abortion rights, and that the cries and threats of the activists, Democrats, and media were all lies. Kansas is a “Red State,” and voted overwhelmingly for Donald Trump in the 2016 and 2020 presidential races. The referendum would have allowed the legislative body to place restrictions on abortion, so why then did the people vote to maintain abortion rights? The people of Kansas, I believe, were misled by an active and well-financed campaign by mostly out-of-state leftist progressive billionaires and Hollywood celebrities, while most of the pro-life effort occurred in the state. Abortion proponents ran ads and together with Democrats and the Biden administration, and the media, put the finishing touches, misinforming Kansans that all abortions would be prohibited, and women will die, when in fact there would probably have been some added restrictions. As it stands now, after the vote, abortions can be performed for up to 22 weeks in Kansas. What this proves once again is how the abortion industry and proponents will say or do anything to mislead the people and corrupt the truth. Planned Parenthood issued a statement following the vote, “Tonight, Kansans rejected a dangerous amendment that would have stripped away their state constitutional right to abortion. They stood up for their reproductive freedom.” Planned Parenthood is the largest abortion provider in the country, with over 300,000 annually. Abortion activists were in their glory, all over social media, celebrating this so-called victory over unborn life. Both sides of the abortion debate believe they are the arbiters of what is right and wrong. There is however one overriding factor, the pro-life agenda seeks to protect the innocent unborn, God’s creation, whereas pro-choice (pro-abortion) seeks to end that life, I believe, in defiance of the Almighty. I often wonder if people in general consider this when they discuss, write or vote on issues that might involve matters of faith. This brings me to something I came across in gathering information for this writing, and it illustrates one of the most striking aspects of the abortion debate, a belief in God, and the impact of faith. It involves a photo that was taken at a Kansas polling place. Several people were gathered around a voting station; it appeared they were having a discussion, and several feet away right over their shoulders, hanging on the wall was a large painting of Jesus Christ, and He wasn’t smiling.
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