A Billionaire And The Woke Mob Revise HistoryJuly 25, 2022Two great Founding Fathers have had their reputations disparaged and dragged through the mud, victims of a hostile, hate-filled billionaire, and the woke mob in their effort to revise history. On Jul 04, 1776, the 2nd Continental Congress met in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. This gathering was composed of 56 learned and courageous men, who would sacrifice their lives, fortunes, and sacred honor for the cause of freedom. The Founding Fathers sent a message across the sea to the Kingdom of Great Britain, declaring independence for the then thirteen original colonies, which they regarded as sovereign states. The founding and history of the United States in post-modern America have been the subject of great controversy. Revisionists, mainly those on the ideological left whose preferences are antithetical to the traditional values, institutions, and the Judeo-Christian ethic that is the foundation of this great nation, have been disparaging and accusing historical figures, events, and evidence of being biased and questionable. The Founding Fathers have been accused of being racists and white supremacists, their reputations sullied and dragged through the mud, and their monuments and statues defaced, toppled, and some destroyed. Thomas Jefferson was one of the Founders, and highly respected in his day, but like most he was not a perfect man. Jefferson’s timely words in the Declaration of Independence “All men are created equal,” without any inference to skin color, have been passed down over the centuries, and brought with them the freedom we all enjoy today, for people of every race, creed, and color. It is believed that by his words, there would come a day when the people would see slavery for the heinous act it is, and it would end. Recently it has been revealed that the assault on history has reached a new plateau, at Thomas Jefferson’s home Monticello, in Charlottesville, Virginia. The hilltop mansion and estate of the 3rd President of the United States have been subjected to a hostile takeover by philanthropist, David Rubinstein, and his woke mob of acolytes. Like most leftwing progressives, who view all things through a race-based and radical lens, Rubinstein has invested $20 million in this revisionist effort to rewrite history. Like all things in the purview of the left, racism is the central theme. According to officials of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, who own the non-profit estate, this is a culmination of a ten-year effort to balance the historical record. But visitors have complained about tour guides and employees that go out of their way to demean and belittle Jefferson and the life he lived. In the words of a Monticello spokesperson, “Our goal is to present an honest, inclusive history of Monticello in all its aspects, as well as Jefferson’s contributions to the founding of the country.” But it appears that grievance has become a dominant theme, overshadowing any accomplishments. Rubinstein is a private equity billionaire, and has extensive holdings and investments in China. Former Virginia Governor George Allen was outraged and criticized the change as a “contemporary politicization of a beautiful historic property. Some of this to me just detracts from how people can be inspired and understand Thomas Jefferson and his time and how brilliant he was, how creative he was, his innovation and how ahead of his time he was.” Jeffery Tucker is the founder of the Brownstone Institute, a libertarian group. He recently visited Monticello and had this to say, “The whole thing has the feel of propaganda and manipulation. People on my tour seemed sad and demoralized.” Tucker remarked that the guides were “surly and dismissive of Jefferson’s accomplishments.” He mentioned another visitor who asked a guide if Jefferson had built a machine in the house, the guide responded “Nah, he never built anything, he was just a tinkerer.” The fact is Jefferson designed and built his mansion and estate, and the University of Virginia. Take a deep breath; I’m pretty certain you’re as disgusted as I am right now concerning this information. But just as I finalized this writing it was reported that Rubinstein invested millions in a similar undertaking, this one at Montpelier, Virginia, the plantation home of James Madison, political philosopher, creator of the three-branch governmental system, author of the Federalist Papers, the Bill of Rights, and two-term president. Suffice it to say, all things are similar at both historical sites. What we have here is a hostile takeover, it has infected the system like a virus, and two great men, although not perfect, are at the mercy of the woke mob and a billionaire demagogue and anti-American.
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