A Double Standard Of JusticeJuly 18, 2022When a government politicizes its Department of Justice and applies a double standard in dispensing the law, the people may feel threatened, lose hope, and rise up in defiance. It is a real and present danger, and a threat to the freedom of every American, when a government uses its law enforcement agencies to apply a double standard in their application of the law; then history shows the eventuality of the people rising up in a state of revolution. The Biden administration and the Department of Justice, comprising the Attorney General and FBI Director, have according to all indications and their pursuit of wrongdoers, concentrated much of their attention and efforts toward what they consider far-right extremism, white supremacy, etc. without showing the least bit of concern to the radical left. Case in point, the January 6 breach of the Capitol building, and we’ve seen the videos and know the story and the events as they unfolded, the aftermath, and repercussions. It appeared that most people were milling about, taking photos like tourists, and yes some broke into the offices of members of Congress. The destruction was minimal, with some broken glass. Since this incident, over 800 Americans have been arrested and charged with various crimes, misdemeanors, and felonies. The location of where the accused are incarcerated has varied, a number have been held for over a year in the Washington D.C. Correctional Treatment Facility; others were placed in jails close to their homes, but most have been released on their own recognizance while their cases work their way through the courts, which are overburdened with tremendous backlogs. The FBI to this day continues to investigate January 6, and this is considered by some as one of the most documented crimes in history; the FBI considers it “domestic terrorism.” Many of those involved that day left the Capitol building and went on their way. Through video footage, the internet, blogs, and the public’s assistance, the FBI and other law enforcement agencies have pursued these Americans. What is an integral part of the investigation involves anyone who might be associated or have links with the Proud Boys, Oath Keepers, and Q-Anon - so-called right-wing groups. The crimes, as spelled out, include: Obstruction of law enforcement/ entering and remaining in restricted areas/ civil disorder/ impeding passage into restricted areas/ disorderly conduct/ demonstrating, picketing and parading in restricted areas/ remaining in a restricted building/ disrupting official government business. This list does not include what I believe was a major crime. Capitol Police officer Briggs shot and killed Ashley Babbitt, who was unarmed and posed no danger or harm to anyone. Earlier I mentioned a double standard of justice in the Biden administration. Consider the tremendous difference in bringing to justice lawbreakers, and the negligence, and what appears to be the downright bias of federal law enforcement agencies when it involves those on the left and the latitude it is given. There is little, if any, doubt that the Biden justice department shows a much greater degree of attention and investigatory practices and policies toward conservative and right-wing groups than it does the left. In the summer of 2020, at the height of the coronavirus pandemic, and in the aftermath of the George Floyd killing and accusations of police brutality, rioting broke out in the streets of cities across the nation and spread to over 2000 in 60 countries throughout the world. In America, members of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and an assortment of left-wing activist groups burned, looted, vandalized, and burglarized. Estimates range from 15 to 25 million people having participated in the protests, considered to be the largest in U.S. history. Estimates of the damage, considered to be the highest amount in U.S. history for a civil disorder, have been similarly reported by most agencies at $2 billion. There were 36 deaths, and 600 to 1000 arrests by local law enforcement, though mostly for low-level crimes. When things quieted down and the rioting subsided, the authorities had difficulty in identifying those responsible for the damage and destruction. By May of 2021, only 28 people were charged with property damage in the Minneapolis-St. Paul region. The structures victimized and destroyed by the rioting included commercial buildings as well as schools, government buildings, and private residences. One Minneapolis police station was set on fire, most of which was set by placing flammable material around the building and igniting it. Police were pelted with anything rioters could get their hands on, bricks, rocks, and in many cases, Molotov cocktails. Notice the disparity. Democrats and the Biden Justice Department have pulled out all stops investigating the January 6 protest, but as for the 2020 rioting that caused tremendous death and destruction, nothing. And keep in mind during the rioting, Democrats and the media egged on the rioters, reporting that the protests were relatively “peaceful.” Even then vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris spoke out in defense of the rioters and suggested that people donate money to their cause. There is a danger posed by a government that dispenses the law without equal jurisprudence, and Edmund Burke put it this way, “People crushed by laws, have no hope but to evade power. If the laws are their enemies, they will be enemies to the law; and those who have most to hope and nothing to lose will always be dangerous.”
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