A President Under FireJuly 11, 2022His enemies threw everything they had at him, and yes, even the kitchen sink, but President Trump persevered and did the job. Let us take a stroll down memory lane. Do you remember where you were on that fateful day of June 12 of 2015, when the would-be future president of the United States descended, almost like a monarch, on an escalator in the building that bore his name? With the future first lady by his side, Donald Trump spoke before a large enthusiastic group of people and the media, and let it be known that he will campaign for the 2016 Republican nomination for president. As many in the audience cheered and applauded, and most of the media thought it all a big ruse, Mr. Trump began explaining the platform he would run on. He also made mention of his position on a number of issues, in particular immigration, where his comments were rather far from ingratiating, and to some were downright insulting and racist. The media were outraged and offended by his inflammatory rhetoric. The man they thought they knew, a billionaire, real estate mogul, television celebrity, and friend to many of his soon-to-be enemies, turned from a Jekyll into Hyde before their very eyes. From that day forward, the nation, her people, and the world would never be the same. Imagine if you will, you’re standing at the shoreline of a placid tranquil lake that has the quality of a sheet of glass. You pick up a rock and throw it into the water; you upset the pristine stillness, the normal, and watch as the wake spreads outward and then slowly dissipates. But if you keep throwing rocks, the wake does not stop. This is what the Trump presidency wrought, he was an interloper and upset the calm, and in his perpetual wake, what all thought was normal became almost surreal. The repercussions were immediate and direct; Democrats, the media, big business, professional sports, Hollywood, and the ruling class came out in force and began what would be an all-out unabated and malicious movement to destroy the 45th president, especially because he defeated their chosen candidate Hillary Clinton. The assault on the presidency was more a journey on a road to perdition. It began with the American people besieged with daily reports of Mr. Trump’s peccadillos, outrageous behavior, and close association with the Russians and President Vladimir Putin. The term collusion became a suffix, it was Russian collusion, and it appeared daily in the media’s reporting. Just about every member of the Trump administration became suspect; there was no mercy nor was there any defense, this was a war on the presidency on many fronts, including his family. There was a daily, weekly, and monthly all-consuming effort to undermine and chip away at the Trump agenda and administration until it imploded. President Trump’s first two years in office, 2017-18, was under siege by a constant barrage of accusations and in many cases unfounded falsehoods by Democrats and the media. The president, however, was not one to let the insults and untruths get the best of him; he gave back as good as he got. This eventually went beyond finger-pointing and claims of malfeasance. On May 17, 2017, the Democrats called for an inquiry that became the Mueller Report, a $30 million witch hunt, which was to investigate Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, and the Trump campaign’s coordinated effort to conspire with Russia. The report was finalized and presented to then-Attorney General William Barr on March 26, 2019, and concluded the investigation "did not establish that members of the Trump campaign conspired or coordinated with the Russian government in its election interference activities.” The Democrats could not contain their anger, desperation and frustration, and feelings of being denied their rightful pound of flesh, but then another opportunity presented itself. On July 25, 2019, President Trump, campaigning for the 2020 presidential election, spoke over the phone to Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky. He asked the Ukrainian leader, and apparently hinted that any military aid to the Baltic nation would be contingent on Zelensky’s compliance, which involved his investigating the Biden family’s movements in Ukraine. The phone call was later revealed by a whistleblower that remains nameless, and the Democrats once again began to prepare their attack. On December 18, 2019, the House of Representatives, under a Democrat majority, adopted two articles of impeachment related to the Ukraine affair, against the 45th president, “Abuse of power, and obstruction of Congress.” The charges passed the House of Representatives and were sent on to the Senate. On January 16, 2020, the Senate took up the impeachment, and on February 5, 2020, acquitted the president of all charges. One can only imagine the outrage and depth of the Democrats' frustration and anger at once again failing to fulfill their hearts' desire, ending Trump. You would think that following almost three years of constant accusations and ridicule, and staged and reckless fiascos, such as the Mueller report and Ukraine affair, Democrats would have concluded that their efforts were fruitless and just perhaps the president was not the monster they believed him to be. But you’d be wrong, and hope springs eternal in the mind of the despicable. Democrats, relentless, always vigilant, and on the prowl for something, anything to achieve their nefarious goal, found another reason to go on. On January 06, 2021 a rally took place in Washington, DC, and President Trump was the keynote speaker. As he spoke groups of what were reported as right-wing extremists were on their way to the Capitol. Suffice it to say, for several hours after the president ended his speech, a mob breached the Capitol building and caused havoc. On January 11, 2021, the House of Representatives adopted one article of impeachment “Incitement of Insurrection,” for inciting the January 06 incursion. Written into the article were Trump’s attempts to overturn the 2020 election citing fraud. Speaker Pelosi had contacted Vice President Pence that day, and gave him an ultimatum, either he invoke the 25th Amendment to assume the role of acting president, or she will go ahead with impeachment. Pence refused, and on January 13 impeachment went forward. On January 25, articles of impeachment were sent over to the Senate, and after several weeks, on February 13, with 57 voting guilty and 43 not guilty, the two-thirds vote not achieved, President Trump was acquitted, yet again. From this point forward the January 06 committee was created, and to this day has conducted a one-sided investigation and the current hearings are completely biased without a defense. This synopsis is meant to offer for your purview a trail of events that occupied the Trump presidency in its entirety. Democrats and the media engaged in malicious and contemptible actions in an attempt to thwart and destroy the Trump presidency. The events, characters, and players that were involved are too numerous to mention here, and it would take a volume to describe all of the scenarios and accusations. But there is one thing that even his enemies cannot deny if they are capable of being truthful - President Trump’s accomplishments will be heralded in history.
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