The Supreme Court Upholds The Dignity And Sanctity Of LifeJuly 4, 2022The Supreme Court overrules Roe v. Wade, upholding the right to life of the unborn. The decision incites abortion activists who threaten, protest, and cause destruction. Upon wakening the morning of June 24, 2022, I sensed something monumental was in the waiting, a watershed moment in history. As I went about daily activities, and returned home at about 10:00 am, I turned on the radio, and at 10:11 am, the regularly scheduled program was interrupted for an important news brief. The voice began speaking, and without a momentary delay, blurted out “Roe v. Wade has been overturned.” I could hear in the background shouts of joy, mixed with cries of anguish and dismay. The threats and warnings by abortion activists, which began back in May when Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft overturning Roe v. Wade was surreptitiously leaked out, are now reality etched in stone. The release of the courts 6-3 ruling could begin a summer without any fun. According to abortion activists, there will be a price to pay - think of the turbulent 2020 year of unrest. Abortion activists have been protesting outside the homes of the six conservative justices; Samuel Alito, Amy Coney Barrett, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, Clarence Thomas, and Chief Justice John Roberts, since the May leak. They hold signs, use bullhorns, shout vulgarities and threats, and make a complete nuisance of themselves without any regard for family members and neighbors. They have concentrated much of their ire and displeasure, in particular, against justices Barrett and Kavanaugh. These radical malcontents went so far as to post online the addresses of the justices, and even more dastardly was their egregious behavior by posting the names of the children of the justices, and the locations of the schools they attend. Since the release of the draft in May, the protests have not stopped and have escalated. And now the ruling is a rallying cry, a call to the pro-abortion activist troops to take to the streets and wreak havoc. Democrats and the media have in unison turned a blind eye to the protestors. And let us not forget, the threat posed by Senator Schumer in 2020, “I want to tell you, Gorsuch, I want to tell you, Kavanaugh, you have released the whirlwind and you will pay the price. You won’t know what hit you if you go forward with these awful decisions.” Many believe that the senator’s incendiary comments lead to the assassination attempt made against Justice Kavanaugh. The assault on civility and decency by abortion activists has not stopped with the justices. Churches, pro-life organizations, and crisis pregnancy centers throughout the country have been under constant attack. As of this writing, over 50 have been subject to fire bombings, interruptions in religious services, vandalism and destruction of property, with paint smeared and graffiti on exterior walls, in some cases with threatening words “If abortions aren’t safe, neither are you.” A violent anarchist group called “Jane’s Revenge” has taken responsibility for a number of these attacks, along with another, “Ruth sent us.” For those who are not familiar with the function of pro-life/ crisis pregnancy centers, they are non-profit and provide pregnancy examinations, diapers, formula, clothing, all baby items, as well as counseling, all meant for the expectant mother to choose life for her baby, and this is free of charge. By now you might have wondered, where is the long arm of the law? Protests outside the homes of the justices are unconstitutional, where is Attorney General Merrick Garland? Where is FBI Director Christopher Wray? They seem oblivious to the activities and threats posed by radicals, or could it be self-imposed ignorance? If not these, then they are knowingly and willfully ignoring this dangerous situation. Perhaps they are getting their marching orders from the Biden administration. Nineteen Attorneys General have issued a letter to Attorney General Garland demanding that the attacks on pro-life organizations be investigated and dealt with. In the letter, they state that pro-life organizations have been vandalized, firebombed, and threatened every day since the leaked draft. One of the nineteen, David Yost of Ohio remarked, “In America, we solve our differences with debates and ballots, not bricks and Molotov cocktails.” Other than the court’s ruling, what is also so exasperating and offensive to abortion activists, as well as the Democratic Party, the media, and the ruling class, is the road that led to this outcome. You may have thought the degree of hatred and contempt for former President Trump had reached its zenith, but you’d be wrong. With the Supreme Court’s ruling, the hate has only intensified. The former president must now carry the added burden, which he appears willing to accept, of having been the catalyst for the court’s decision. Mr. Trump declared during his 2016 campaign to nominate conservative Justices to the Supreme Court, in order to overturn the abortion rights law. Well, he kept another promise, signed, sealed, and delivered - ALLELUIA!
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