How Low Can We Go?June 20, 2022Major American cities governed by Democrats continue to define deviancy down with their irresponsible policies that defy decency, and common sense, and pose a danger to victims of drug abuse. The late Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan coined the term “Defining Deviancy Down.” His intention was meant as a warning, and to place an emphasis on the depths that we as a people have sunk in a post-modern America. Well, Senator, if you’re listening and watching from on high, you by now had probably come to realize that there is in fact, no bottom, as we continue to define deviancy further down into depths of depravity. You might ask just how bad have things gotten. America is an exceptional nation, but its inhabitants are flawed and imperfect, and sometimes they do things that defy reason, decency, and common sense; this is especially true when Democrats hold the reigns of government. If they can’t defeat or control a problem, whatever issue it may involve, they might seek a course of action that implements policies and procedures that in effect surrender to the opposing faction, and that action can eventually exacerbate the problem. Here are some examples, but let me warn you that what follows can cause brain freeze. The plague of illegal drug addiction is a devastating problem that is not confined to any one location. It is widespread across the nation, and the cause of great pain, hardship,and death. Its victims are young and old, and span a wide demographic. Opioids are a group of indigenous drugs, and among the deadliest on the planet. Fentanyl is a group of synthetic Opioids, and in 2020 was the cause of deaths among mainly American users aged 18-45. In 2021 it has been reported that deaths from Fentanyl number over 100,000, with much of this drug entering America through the southern border. In a sane and normal world, the goal would be to defeat this deadly scourge of drug abuse and save the thousands of lives that are dependent. But not so in the Big Apple; the New York City Department of Health initiated an ad campaign that informs opioid drug users that they should not feel embarrassed by their addiction, and that they should feel empowered by proper drug use. “Don’t be ashamed you are using, be empowered that you are using safely,” appears on ad posters in the subway system and on city buses. It goes on to say “Even if you are going out for a night out, to just do cocaine, there is a possibility that fentanyl could wind up in your drug supply.” The Ads also advise that in order to prevent an overdose “Avoid using alone, and take turns, and start with a small dose and go slowly.” And there is information about having on-hand naloxone, an opioid antidote to counteract an overdose, and also test strips to detect the presence of fentanyl. This same Department of Health in 2019 launched a fentanyl awareness campaign, but only then the message was “The best way to avoid an overdose is not to use drugs.” Insane and depraved enough for you? Many Americans, especially parents, have voiced their concern and anger at the recognition and promotion of LGBTQ, especially in schools. But even the military has not escaped this movement's inertia and is being subjected by woke leftists among top brass into accepting the cause. In recognition of Pride Month, the Marines came out with an image of a helmet, reminiscent of the poster for Stanley Kubrick’s Vietnam War movie “Full Metal Jacket," only this image came with rainbow-colored bullets adorning the helmet. A statement issued on Twitter read “Throughout June the USMC takes pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members." This idiocy did not escape from harsh criticism, mixing warfare with leftist wokeness. Republican Congressional candidate Erick Aguilar asked, “Is this satire?” Jason Buttrill, a former Marine and Defense Department Analyst, wrote “Get out of here with this. We don’t take political sides, and we don’t engage in social commentary. We kill the enemy.” (Note: Mr. Butrill’s language was much more intense, I change it here and there.) There were numerous other attacks on what many considered as an insult to the service. Over the past couple of years, I believe most of us are familiar with the highly controversial issue of biological males participating in women’s sports. Lia Thomas is the most recognizable of these so-called trans-gender athletes. The number, however, is much higher than most people think. There have been about thirty girls' and women’s competitions that have been dominated by biological males. This includes swimming, biking, cycle racing, weightlifting, volleyball, and track and field. In a poll taken by the Family Research Council, which asked if biological males should be allowed to compete in women’s and girls’ sports, 61% disapproved, while only 18% approved.
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