A Political Party Without A Conscience: DemocratsMay 23, 2022The threat to Roe vs. Wade has sent Democrats, the media, the left-wing, and the pro-abortion activist mob into fits of depression and desperation. Following the unauthorized release of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito’s draft on the Dobbs vs. Jackson Women's Health Organization case, which questioned the legitimacy of the state’s 15-week restriction on abortion rights, the call went out and pro-choice groups within only hours of the revelation descended on the Supreme Court with their signs, cries of outrage, and vulgarity. The cause of their anger and frustration is what appears to be, based on Alito’s draft, the Court's majority opinion to overturn Roe vs. Wade, which will send the fate of abortion back to the states. But the protesting did not end there at the Court; it went beyond to the homes of the six conservative justices: Roberts, Thomas, Gorsuch, Barrett, Kavanaugh, and Alito. The pro-abortion group, Ruth Sent Us, has thrown tantrums, and staged protests at the private residences of the justices, without any concern for their family members or that of their neighbors. As of this writing, these radical abortion activists have kept up their reckless behavior. The unlawful actions of the pro-abortion mob were for many in the Biden administration, Democrats, and the media, a worthy effort, and an expression of the mob's first amendment rights of free speech for what in their twisted and demented minds is a noble cause, the termination of innocent human life. Biden’s “minister of propaganda” Jen Psaki, when confronted at a press briefing about the demonstrations at the homes of the justices, said in effect that the mob was only expressing its anger and frustration. The U.S. Department of Justice remained silent at first, but recently issued an order that the U.S. Marshall Service provide added protection for the justices and their families. The Court’s probable decision and the irresponsible and dangerous actions of the activists in the pro-abortion mob appear to have had an effect on Democrats and have pushed the party further into pathological oblivion. Like a virus, it spread among party members and corrupted their minds causing them to think up what must be considered one of the most radical pieces of legislation to ever darken the hallowed halls of congress, the “Women’s Health Protection Act.” On May 11, lawmakers defeated the bill in 51-49 vote against cloture. The bill sought to codify abortion rights that would have legalized the death sentence of the unborn up to birth. Senator Joe Manchin voted with Republicans to defeat this insanity. The Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA), in part, consists of the following. I have placed my own comments in brackets, following each provision.
This last provision goes beyond the borders of the United States. Recently the World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Reproductive Health and Research, issued a document entitled “Abortion Care Guidelines.” It states “Conscientious objection continues to operate as a barrier to access to quality abortion care.” It advises governments around the world to ensure this does not happen, and then goes on to say “If it proves impossible to regulate conscientious objection in a way that respects, protects, and fulfills abortion seekers' rights, conscientious objection in abortion provision may become indefensible.” Sometime in June or July, the Supreme Court will announce its final ruling. As is now expected it will either overturn Roe vs. Wade, or find for the Mississippi legislation only. Either decision will send abortion back to the states. When this happens prepare for violence, and further escalation of the radical and extreme behavior from the pro-abortion mob, and the Democrats.
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