The prestige and reputation of the Supreme Court have been violated; its hallowed halls have been soiled by a selfish and reckless act that betrayed the Justices and the people.
In a previous article, I wrote that the moment of truth is on the horizon. The Supreme Court in December of 2021 heard the case of Mississippi vs. Dobb. The state had enacted legislation that placed a 15 week restriction on abortion. The court if ruling in favor of Mississippi would in effect overturn the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion rights. It appears the horizon is here.
On Monday, May 02, as the sunset in the eastern sky an extraordinary violation of one of America’s sacred institutions, the highest judicial tribunal in the land occurred. The hallowed halls of the Supreme Court, and its procedural standards were betrayed. The media site Politico revealed information, by an anonymous source in the court, on the soon-to-be ruling in the Mississippi vs. Dobbs case to reconsider the status of Roe v. Wade. The court was scheduled to deliver their decision in late June, early July.
This scandalous and unexpected revelation of Justice Samuel Alito’s majority opinion draft, and what reads to be the Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade, is I believe the work of a law clerk whose affinities lie with the pro-choice movement; some have ventured that the culprit might be one of the justices. According to Senator Ted Cruz, he believes if there was anyone of the justices that would be capable of this betrayal, it would be Sonia Sotomayer, one of the three liberals on the court.
Justice Alito in his draft pulled no punches, it was a rebuke of the 1973 ruling and by extension the justices at that time. Alito’s draft was titled an “Opinion of the Court,” and in it he writes “Roe was egregiously wrong from the start and should be overruled. Its reasoning was exceptionally weak, and the decision has had damaging consequences. It has enflamed debate, deepened division. It is time to heed the Constitution and return the issue of abortion to the people’s representatives (the states).”
Like most, I believe this violation of the court is meant as a threat and a forewarning, prior to the court's ruling, with the intention of changing the minds of the justices. This is also a call to arms to the radical extremist element in the pro-abortion crowd who has already taken to the streets in protest. It is the hope of the Democratic Party, the media, and the liberal left-wing that if they scream and cause enough havoc, it will affect not only the justices but will also have an impact on the November midterm elections.
What they are hoping for is that the American people will be so outraged by the court's decision, that they will forget all about inflation, the economy, the southern border, crime, Afghanistan, and the war in the Ukraine. However the country is divided on this controversial and highly emotional issue. In a survey conducted by Politico, 50% say abortion should not be overturned, 28% say it should be, and 22% are undecided. But unlike the Democrats, most believe there should be restrictions on abortion.
The party of our parents and grandparents no more, post-modern Democrats deserted sanity and moderation long ago. They have acquiesced to their far-left progressive base and have become unruly and willing partners advancing a morally corrupt agenda. One that denies traditional values, the sanctity and dignity of life, and advocates for abortion on demand at all stages of gestation up till birth.
In a highly charged statement, Chief Justice John Roberts said “Although the document described in yesterday’s report is authentic, it does not represent a decision by the court or final position of any member on the issues in the case,” and calls it, “a singular and egregious breach of that trust that is an affront to the Court and the community of public servants who work here. This will not undermine the work of the court.” The Chief Justice has stated that he would call on the Marshall of the Court to investigate.
According to reports, the decision as laid out in Justice Alito’s draft is not final. There is a certainty, however, that the draft does have the support of four conservative justices, Thomas, Gorsuch, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and the writer Alito, while the three liberal justices Breyer, Sotomayer, and Kagan dissented; Chief Justice Roberts is an unknown quantity at this time.
Protesters have descended onto the homes of the conservative justices Alito, Kavanaugh, Barrett, and Roberts and their families. I’m certain Thomas and Gorsuch will eventually have to suffer through the annoying and dangerous antics of these abortion fanatics. The Biden administration has not spoke out against these gatherings, even though they are unlawful.
All decent, God-fearing Americans who respect the sanctity and dignity of life, especially of the unborn, and who treasure traditional values and institutions, should brace themselves and prepare for the onslaught of the godless and morally corrupt who have already surrendered their very souls to their inner demons. And expect the slings and arrows of self-righteous, fake outrage from Democrats and their enablers, as we near the November midterm election.