Abortion Atrocities Continue, As We Await The Supreme Court’s RulingApril 18, 2022We wait with hopeful anticipation for the Supreme Court ruling on Dobb’s v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion. There are certain issues that I have on more than one occasion discussed. But far above them all is a vicious, horrendous, violent, and deadly process that terminates innocent human life in the womb, which we know as abortion. And aside from the death sentence it produces, the disrespect and callous disregard for the dignity and sanctity of life does not stop at the hands of the abortionist, it is taken further, beyond even what I believe many pro-choice advocates would accept. There is a sought-after byproduct that abortion creates that takes this brutal procedure to an even greater degree of maliciousness and inhumanity. Like a commodity, the remains of the unborn are harvested and sold for use in experimentation. Even the halls of higher education are awash in the blood of the innocent. Pittsburgh University has been accused of procuring, in many cases, the remains of full-term babies, with the aegis of the Democrats and Planned Parenthood. Since Roe v. Wade, and the legalizing of this death sentence and brutal life-ending procedure, and the 63 million unborn babies terminated, I have whenever the opportunity arises spoken out, and let it be known in word or deed of what I believe is the world’s greatest sin against nature and nature's God. The inhumanity is staggering, and every righteous, virtuous, and God-fearing American must say, no more. The atrocities of the abortion industry defy any sense of decency and compassion, and are as heartless and merciless as you will find. In late March of this year anti-abortion activists were protesting outside the Washington (D.C.) Surgi-Clinic that is operated by Dr. Cesare Santangelo an OB-GYNwell-known and a prominent well known abortionist. Santangelo has remarked in the past that if a baby survived an abortion, he would let it die. While there the Pro-life activist group Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) intercepted a truck driver for the Curtis Bay Medical Waste Services. They discovered the truck was carting away the remains of 115 aborted babies in a sealed cardboard box, of which they took possession. The intent of the activists was to ensure that the unborn were given a proper dignified funeral and burial. The clinic refuted the PAAU contention, saying the boxes never left the trucker's possession. It was later discovered however that five of the remains appeared to be late-term abortions. The Washington D.C. Metro Police were called to an apartment in the city of an anti-abortion activist, and took possession of the babies’ remains. An investigation is now under way, and the PAAU has requested that the D.C. Medical Examiner perform an autopsy to determine the manner of death and whether the babies expired after being born, which is infanticide and a violation of the law. The Washington Surgi-Clinic denied there were the remains of aborted babies in the boxes, but the PAAU had in their possession graphic video footage of the contents of the box. At this time the D.C. Medical Examiner has not determined whether it will conduct an autopsy, saying it will require further information. The Washington Post reported that the Medical Examiner does not plan to autopsy the remains, but anonymous sources revealed this might change. The PAAU issued a statement, “Last week, DC Metropolitan Police recovered the remains of five preborn children apparently from the Washington Surgi-Clinic in Washington, DC, a facility operated by the late-term abortionist Dr. Cesare Santangelo. Instead of ensuring that the horrific deaths of these children were properly investigated, Metropolitan Police made the assumption that each child died as the result of a legal abortion. It is our understanding that Metropolitan Police made this assumption without conducting any medical evaluations. We also understand from press reports that the DC medical examiner does not plan to perform autopsies on the children. This is completely unacceptable.” Following this revelation Senator Ted Cruz and 24 members of Congress (Republicans) issued a letter to the mayor of Washington D.C., Muriel Bowser, U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland, and Police Chief Robert Contee, demanding that an investigation be conducted into the deaths of the five late-term aborted babies; it stated in part, “We demand that a thorough investigation is conducted into the death of each child. In order to accomplish such investigation, we request and fully expect the city to conduct autopsies on the children and preserve all collected evidence. Finally, at the conclusion of such examinations, we urge the city to properly and respectfully bury the babies.” What I have always sought to accomplish is for those who are uncertain about abortion, or are on the fence, to convince them that what we are dealing with is evil and malevolent, and it often calls to mind the words of George Washington, Founder and first president, “I tremble for my country when I reflect God is just; that his justice cannot sleep forever.” Let us hope that His patience, mercy, and forgiveness will endure.
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