A Political Party - Reckless, Irrational, And DrivenApril 11, 2022Democrats are facing what many believe will be an inevitable defeat in November, yet the party continues its pursuit of a self-serving agenda. Since its inception, the Biden administration has been on a downward spiral, and they have only themselves to blame. Immediately after assuming office, Democratic President Joe Biden and his inner sanctum fulfilled the hopes and dreams of their supporters, and the media, and set about to dismantle most, if not all, of the prior administration's accomplishments, both domestically and internationally. The Keystone Pipeline, immigration and the southern border, religious liberty, abortion, the Iran nuclear deal, all fell victim to ideological and progressive left-wing aspirations, and a deep hatred for the former President Trump. They sought to erase all things associated with him, and this to the detriment of the American people as we would come to realize. The truth is, what occurred was unavoidable; human folly and the loss of a sense of right from wrong dictated the events that unfolded. The Democrats were so wrapped up in canceling out the last five years, so enmeshed in their own selfish, petty, and vindictive behavior toward Mr. Trump they could not help themselves. In recent memory, I cannot recall another president and administration that was so pilloried, defamed, and the brunt of extreme animus and ill will. If we were to assess what the future of the Democratic Party looks like, perhaps we can compare it to the 19th century Manifest Destiny of the United States, which spoke of a future event - expansion to the Pacific - that was accepted and inevitable; in this case the 2022 midterm election. All signs indicate, and most talking heads on both sides of the political aisle agree, Republicans should capture a sizable number of seats in both houses of congress, that is unless they snatch defeat from the jaws of victory which they have on occasion. This may be wishful thinking, and although there are still 7 months until the day of reckoning, the midterm November election, the Democrats have sealed their fate. As of this writing, President Biden’s approval rating is at 38-39%. In a recent poll conducted by NBC News, the results I believe overall favor Republicans. The issues and the qualities involved spanned a wide spectrum, and most of these would determine the candidate most likely to get the vote. Some of the results include: 75% support funding the police, while most agreed they would not vote for a candidate that supports defunding the police; 69% expanding gas and oil production; 63% implement the infrastructure law; 62% lowering health care and prescription drug costs; 56% upholding Roe vs. Wade, but do not support late-term abortions and would accept restrictions. There were also questions asked about certain politicians and the effect they would have on voting. A plurality, 39% said they would not vote for a candidate endorsed by Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez, 48% said the same for Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell, 34% for Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, 39% for Senator Bernie Sanders, 47% for former President Donald Trump, and 42% for President Joe Biden. Most respondents would most likely vote for a candidate that supported the U.S. sending more weapons to Ukraine. The poll surveyed 790 registered voters, a majority favoring Democrats, and was conducted in late March. It stands to reason that most rational people, in this case a political party, who find themselves in dire straits, desperate and facing a shellacking in November, would make every effort to bring a sense of reasonableness and stability to their actions and the positions they hold on issues. But we’re dealing here with the Democratic Party, who even though they realize their future looks bleak, continue to act and support positions that most of the American people find unacceptable. As an example, the Biden administration is now tinkering with an existing law to make text changes. Title IX was passed in the 1960s and states in part that no person shall be denied participation in any activity financed by the taxpayer, based on their sex. The administration seeks to include sexual orientation and gender identity. They also seek to revoke Title 42 which was passed in March of 2020 during the Trump administration. It gives border officials the authority to expel immigrants, at the southern border, from countries where communicable diseases were present. If this happens, the number of migrants will increase by the thousands. Edmond Burke wrote, “Men (and women) of intemperate minds cannot be free, their passions forge their fetters.” Democrats are reckless and impetuous; they are weak and held captive by their own inability to grasp what is, in this case, the predicament they find themselves in. Because they are so ideologically driven, they will blindly proceed along a path to defeat, for the sake of their own self-serving agenda. And that's a good thing.
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