Disney, The Magical Kingdom, Undermines Family ValuesApril 4, 2022Woke corporations like Disney are allowing a progressive left agenda to overshadow their operation, and that will eventually alienate family and traditional American values. How many times have you heard someone say “So and so (you can fill in the name) must be turning over in his or her grave?” It usually refers to someone or something that held meaning the deceased considered significant, and that the present outlook on the same matter is different, perhaps even antithetical to that of the dearly departed. In this particular case, the name is Walt Disney, and the remark mentioned earlier has been made about this iconic figure, as of late, quite often. Walt Disney, born in 1901 and passed on in 1966, was an animator, writer, producer, and entrepreneur. His greatest and most lasting creation, the “Magical Kingdom” is a world of fantasy that resides in Disneyland and Disneyworld, theme parks filled with characters that to this day have for many both young and old the world over, taken on real human-like personas. According to its mission statement, “The Walt Disney Company is to entertain, inform, and inspire people around the globe through the power of unparalleled storytelling, reflecting the iconic brands, creative minds, and innovative technologies that make ours the premier entertainment company.” Its many attractions include, among others, theme parks, resorts, cruise lines, movies, television, clubs, music, publishing, apparel, toys, and most of this expansive holding is family-oriented. Over the years, however, under the leadership of its current CEO Bob Chapek and Chief Diversity Officer Latondra Newton, the company has been taken in a direction that I believe Mr. Disney would abhor, and consider antithetical to his vision and beliefs. The company has changed its once-neutral position regarding political and social issues and has assumed a far-left woke agenda, especially concerning the LGBTQ movement. Evidence of this can be seen in its theme parks, where this unnatural lifestyle is plainly visible. Just recently Disney announced it would no longer use “Boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen,” in welcoming families to its theme parks. Instead, the greeting will be “Welcome Dreamers.” Recently Disney has been in the news. The current brouhaha is new legislation - HB1467 - the “Parental Rights In Education Bill,” signed into law by Florida Republican Governor Ron De Santis. It sets terms limits for Florida’s school board members and gives parents of students access to the curriculum and educational materials. Critics of the bill refer to it as the “don’t say gay bill.” Its most vocal critics are activists in the LGBTQ community, which denounced current school curriculum excluding information on sexual orientation and gender identity being taught to children from 3 to 8 years old. At first Disney CEO Chapek remained neutral in this matter, but failing to defend transgenderism motivated activists in the company to demand he take a position. Finally, after a couple of weeks, and under duress and weakness of mind and will, he succumbed and apologized to the radical element in and out of the Disney organization. Chapek’s penance included millions of dollars in donations to LGBTQ causes and the creation of a gay and transgender task force. Chapek’s reversal was followed by a statement that went viral from employees of Disney who supported HB1467, it read "Over the last few weeks, we have watched as our leadership has expressed their condemnation for laws and policies we support. We have watched as our (woke) colleagues, convinced that no one in the company could possibly disagree with them, grow increasingly aggressive in their demands. They insist that [Disney] take a strong stance on - not only this issue - but other legislation and openly advocate for the punishment of employees who disagree with them." Governor De Santis is a no-nonsense conservative, who espouses traditional values and principles. Mr. De Santis has been a constant target under fire from the usual suspects among the progressive woke leftists, including LGBTQ activists, corporate media, big business, Hollywood, and Silicon Valley. A press release issued from the governor’s office stated “As part of the year of the parent, this legislation aims to preserve the rights of parents to make decisions about what materials their children are exposed to in school.” Just before signing the bill Governor De Santis made this statement, “We believe parents not only have a role, they have the fundamental role to be involved in the education of their kids, and that’s how it's going to be in the state of Florida.” Highlights of the “Parental Rights in Education” legislation include in part: * Parents must be given the opportunity to make decisions about the education and upbringing of their children. * Parents must be notified and involved in critical decisions that affect a student’s mental, emotional, and physical well-being. School personnel are forbidden to discourage and prohibit parental notification. * There will be no classroom discussion about sexual orientation or gender identity in certain grade levels; school personnel will be forbidden from discussing these issues. It is amazing that, according to statistics, homosexuals account for less than 3% of the population, and transgender less than 1%, and yet these two unnatural lifestyles have such a prominent place in a post-modern culture. They are held in such high esteem and given more attention and adulation than most Americans. The Disney organization does its founder a disservice, and I am certain he would disown it in its current state, and yes, is probably turning over in his grave.
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