Fear Has Caused Them To React IrrationallyFebruary 28, 2022President Trump’s detractors are so fearful of him that they will pull out all stops to assure that he will not make another run for president in 2024. Mr. Trump is their nemesis, and a direct threat to their cultural, political, and ideological devices and lifestyles, and they will say or do almost anything to stop him. You can only imagine what future generations will read or be taught of a period in the history of America that was unlike any other, and it did not span centuries or millennia, but a mere five years. During that time, the world was in the throes of an upheaval brought on by a pandemic, and America was also dealing with a culture war, an ideological and political divide, journalistic malfeasance, and yet the focus of all the grievance, restlessness, anxiety, and fear in the country was the president. All of this has reached a crescendo, which has manifested itself in hatred, dissension, and inflammatory rhetoric from just about all sectors of society. As an example, in a local tabloid, I read a lengthy article that attributed the state of our discontent to “a Cult of Don,” and how it controls the GOP. Need I say who the authors of this diatribe were referring to? Yes, the 45th President, Donald Trump. This so-called cult is comprised of patriotic Middle Americans, those same people that have also been referred to by a one-time presidential candidate, as a basket of the deplorables. Since Mr. Trump’s election in 2016, any differences that may have existed among groups have been greatly intensified. The thought occurred to me how they, anyone not part of the “Cult of Don,” just don’t understand. And for whatever the reason, perhaps willful ignorance or obfuscating the issue out of anger and philosophical differences, the Democratic Party, media, big business, Silicon Valley, Hollywood, professional sports, the ruling class - they all miss the point, and what is that? The support, yes even the love and adulation of millions of Americans for the former president has nothing to do with a delirious cult following? His detractors say he is a bully, insolent, and a narcissist. But Mr. Trump’s supporters say it was his unapologetic and at times rather unruly behavior and brash attitude, and that his rejection of the ruling class, political correctness, socialists, liberal progressives, and the fake news media, described their own inner feelings and attitude toward these groups. Mr. Trump spoke for them and his words were their words, now out of the mouth of a President. Aside from the former president’s policies toward domestic and international affairs that his supporters respected and applaud, there is one other issue that is rarely, if ever, mentioned by the never-Trump, and which is another reason, perhaps even as important or more so than all others - religious liberty. The Trump administration spoke out, even before the United Nations, in its support and defense of matters of faith and the sanctity and dignity of life, especially that of the unborn, whereas the Biden administration has declared war on religious freedom, Christianity in particular. You would think that any reasonable individual, whatever their political affinities, would look with equity at the accomplishments of the Trump administration, and give it a measure of praise, even a modicum of a fair assessment, but it is nowhere to be found. The article I spoke of earlier is not the only one, you can find a plethora of them in daily newspapers and online, but this one, in particular, could act as a summary of most of the others. As I’ve said in the past, President Trump has had a deleterious effect on the left; he lives rent-free in their minds. The 2020 presidential election was a heartbreaker, and difficult to accept for many Americans. But if there was one thing it did accomplish, it revealed just how big a mistake the voters made in electing Joe Biden, and buyer’s remorse, so much so, that when polled Mr. Biden loses each time to his predecessor. And what all the naysayers and malcontents, the never-Trump, always fail to recognize is the major differences that have been made manifest in the two administrations. Are we stronger, more united as a nation, economically solvent, and more respected around the world? Are the southern border and our sovereignty secure, and are we energy independent? Admit it, the former president, for all his idiosyncrasies and bitter twitter rhetoric, kept his promises and did the job. But, unlike the scale of Justice that weighs guilt and innocence, Mr. Trump’s detractors are incapable of weighing his presidency with equity and fairness.
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