The Deep State, Dark Money, Democrats, And Billionaires, Oh MyFebruary 21, 2022There are powerful, well-financed forces that seek to control the political narrative. The American people must stand up and, through their vote in the coming midterm election, tell Democrats and these leftist groups, “Your money’s no good here.” But their money is actually quite effective, and must be fought against! In “A Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens wrote, “These are the best of times, and the worst of times.” I don’t know about the best of times today, you would have to admit, we have had to deal with issues and events that can sap the strength and perseverance of even the most resourceful and tenacious among us. The pressing issues we have faced and the burdens they have forced on us over the past two years are only acerbated by a nation politically and ideologically divided, and the chasm seems to be growing. But unbeknownst to most, there lurks in the shadowy depths of the “Deep State” a network that most of the American people may not be aware of, but should be. It is not a household name, even though it was founded in 2005 during the Clinton administration. "Arabella Advisors" - sound familiar? Arabella Advisors (AA) is an advocacy organization based in Washington, D.C, and a financial Dark-Money repository (anonymous donations) for any liberal/progressive left-wing cause. AA is recognized as a non-profit consulting company and serves as a main distribution hub and network for funds donated mostly by donors that are ideologically simpatico to its charter. There is a network of left-wing activist groups under the AA umbrella that include the Sixteen Thirty Fund, New Venture Fund, Hopewell Fund, Windward Fund, and the North Fund. They direct all their energies in fierce opposition to Republican politicians, policies, and conservative causes, especially during the Trump administration. The network and other local liberal groups spread throughout the nation exist on a foundation of billionaire benefactors, the likes of which include George Soros, Bill and Melinda Gates, and others who provide tens, even hundreds of millions of dark-money dollars, all going toward left-wing causes. Recall, in a previous article I wrote about Facebook’s Mark Zuckerburg who spent over $418 million dollars in the 2020 presidential election, mostly in support of Democrats. In 2020, the Sixteen Thirty Fund distributed $1.2 billion for causes that paved the way for the election of Joe Biden as president, and the eventual control of the Senate and a number of state Attorneys General. Each of these groups under the AA umbrella, due to the manner in which they are structured, is not legally obligated to disclose the names of their donors. According to the IRS, Arabella Advisors and its affiliated entities utilize tax regulations in which groups that use a fiscal sponsorship arrangement do not have to file a Form 990 with the Internal Revenue Service. Using "pass-through" arrangements, funding is passed from one organization to another, making it difficult to trace where a donor's money ends up. The extent of the Arabella network’s reach goes beyond the distribution of dollars. They are involved in shaping public policy, and officials from the network hold positions of influence in the Deep State spread throughout Washington DC, including the Department of Justice and Department of Energy. The belief is senior officials with ties to Arabella can be found in any number of agencies and the White House. Demand Justice is an offshoot of the Sixteen Thirty Fund. They invested upwards of $5 million to defeat the nomination of now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh. They have also been involved in an advertising blitz to force out Justice Steven Breyer who recently announced his retirement from the Supreme Court. Behind the scenes, this group is apparently putting pressure on President Biden to ensure that he nominate a black woman to replace Breyer. Current Press Secretary Jen Psaki, and Paige Herwig who oversees the vetting process of judicial nominees, both worked for Demand Justice. You would be hard-pressed to find the kind of network for Republicans that is available to Democrats, a resource that distributes billions of dollars toward left-wing causes. Over the years Democrats have consistently accused Republicans of being in the pocket of big business, taking its money, all the while having their own personal bank, backed by some of the world’s richest moguls, to make withdrawals. As the midterm elections approach, you can be certain dark money will flow. There are other organizations that, although they are not so much involved in politics, are also major fundraisers that control the narrative, and are advocates of left-wing causes. They included the Ford Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, Carnegie of New York, Tides Foundation, Democracy Alliance, Hewlett Foundation, ARCUS Foundation, Gill Foundation, Open Society (George Soros). As an aside, traditional values, religious liberty, and nationalism are not in the purview of any of these leftist groups. The Arabella Advisors and the above foundations, they are globalists and have little, if any, interest in American sovereignty. They are also ardent supporters of abortion, population control, and the LGBTQ agenda.
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