The Military’s War On Christianity IntensifiesNow is the time to stand up for your family, country, and most of all God.February 14, 2022The Biden administration and military have declared war, not against a foreign enemy, but their own fellow Americans. In last week’s article, I wrote about the war on Christianity and the Biden administration's nefarious measures to undermine and relegate all religion to “background noise.” I discussed efforts by two agencies - Health and Human Services, and Office of Civil Rights - to carry out this clandestine plan to incapacitate, and possibly destroy religious liberty in America. This anti-religious fervor by the administration goes beyond civilian life and has metastasized and spread into the military. Once again, as stated in last week’s article, it is the cabinet members assigned to their posts, who although they are carrying out the president's orders, are extremists themselves, in this case, Generals Mark Miley, Head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and Lloyd Austin, Secretary of Defense. The stated intent and the driving force behind the Biden administration's and military’s efforts are to weed out “extremist activity” in the ranks. However, I believe it is more a witch hunt for dissenters among the rank and file who profess their Christian beliefs or traditional conservative values, though disguised as a valid pursuit of extremists. The January 6 Capitol protest served as a convenient event that motivated the Biden administration, military, and the Democratic party, to investigate and bring to the people’s attention the dangers posed by conservatives/Christians, in particular those in the military. Many of these patriotic Americans are former members of the military and profess conservative values, and were at the protest. These men and women are often pursued for recruitment by extremist groups, and this has given cause to Democrats and the Department of Defense to engage in a crusade against those currently in the military who they believe harbor the same values and convictions. As the one-year anniversary of the January 6 protest neared, Press Secretary to Austin, John Kirby, stated in an interview, “Secretary Austin has emphasized, the department is focused on prohibited activity, not on a particular ideology, thought or political orientation. The department has always maintained a distinction between thoughts and actions.” But Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin (Ret) of the Family Research Council (FRC) has expressed his misgivings, and believes this is all camouflage and the military’s only objective is to weed out people of faith. According to General Boykin, “Nobody in the military can define extremism. And even though they say they are not after ideology, nor people’s ideas, faith, or political leanings, this is just not true. They will start adding groups like ours - FRC - as an ‘extremist group’, telling our troops, (they) cannot be associated with them because we stand for things like biblical marriage.” General Boykin believes there is intensity by the administration and military brass to purge conservatives from the ranks. This has happened before. In Obama’s second term, he and Biden went full throttle in a vicious attack on religious institutions. “Diversity Training” began under their auspices, and Christian organizations like the American Family Association were placed on lists of hate groups, and military members were ordered not to engage or follow, and anyone who disobeyed would suffer the consequences, be it a court-martial or dishonorable discharge. To exacerbate their hostile intent, the Biden administration has begun an association with the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), itself a far-left organization, which will engage in the war on Christianity and conservatives, by pointing out groups and organizations they deem are extremist, like the Faith and Freedom Coalition, Family Research Council, and the Alliance Defending Freedom. Under new regulations by the Department of Defense, anyone with Christian-leaning beliefs, especially involving “gender identity and sexual orientation” will be labeled as extremist. Further repercussions of this hostile intervention and the new regulations by the Biden administration and its military junta is creating tremendous anxiety and uncertainty for military chaplains of various denominations, who believe and preach biblical truths. It puts them in a very precarious position; will they be forced into silence, fearing being ostracized and threatened with punishment, whatever that might be? What are people of faith to do about this leftist ‘woke’ and politically correct agenda, whose activists are intent on disregarding the Constitution, and creating a secular culture, morally corrupt, and themselves preaching anti-biblical precepts? Will the American people, in and out of the military, sit and sulk, and allow their freedoms to be invalidated and relegated to the trash heap of history, or will they speak out like the parents of children being indoctrinated in their schools? Now is the time to stand up for your family, country, and most of all God.
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