The War On Christianity IntensifiesFebruary 7, 2022The Biden administration’s objectives are to incapacitate religion, Christianity in particular, and promote a secular culture devoid of God and traditional values. “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people; it is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” (John Adams) “Virtue, morality, religion, this is the armor, my friend, and this alone that renders us invincible. These are the tactics we should study. If we lose these, we are conquered, fallen indeed. So long as our manners and principles remain sound, there is no danger.” (Patrick Henry) The Founding Fathers spoke and wrote often on the issue of religion. They understood the significance of faith, and a people who lived and believed and upheld the laws of God and man. They also realized the dangers that any government that undermines and suppresses the will of the people’s right of freedom to worship, can be seen as tyrannical. Religious liberty is the very first of the freedoms in the First Amendment to the Constitution. In the minds of the disbelievers, this storied document is suspect, if not meaningless. Since the 1960s and the sexual revolution, religion has been on the wane, slowly and carefully diminished by moral relativism, cultural depravation, and secularists. This nefarious agenda in relegating religion to what I would describe as background noise greatly intensified during the Obama administration. The presidential election of November 2020 was a continuation, after a four-year hiatus, of the Obama administration's attack on religious liberty. Through its cabinet selection heads, the Biden administration has amplified the assault on religious freedom. To be specific, the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) have amassed their troops and have declared war, and are at the forefront and leading the charge. The union of these two agencies resulted in the draft of a memo on December 7, 2021, from the OCR to HHS. This document was selectively leaked, and described how the Biden administration was planning to revoke the Trump administration’s policies that governed religious liberty, and most significant in the memo was the act of diminishing, and in effect depleting, conscience rights. Religious liberty protections implemented during the Trump administration were reversed. Secretary of HHS Xavier Becerra is an extremist, and has a reputation among religious leaders, the political class, and pro-life groups as being against religious freedom and pro-abortion rights. Becerra is working in conjunction with OCR to eviscerate the Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). As the California Attorney General, Becerra revealed his contempt for religious freedom when he sued the Little Sisters of the Poor for refusing to accept the Obama HHS mandate that would require the Sisters to provide abortion-inducing drugs in their healthcare plans. And like President Biden, Becerra is a ‘Catholic.’ The OCR contends that the Trump administration “took an expansive view of the use of RFRA that resulted in negative impacts on underserved communities.” This would include the LGBTQ community that has sought to impose its secular agenda on religious institutions, services, and conscience rights. These efforts were thwarted by the Trump administration, which OCR seeks to reverse. It appears Becerra is the most prominent instigator of this movement by the Biden administration to destroy religious liberty. He has a close association with far-left activist groups and camouflages his motives and true intent by going around the legislative process, taking his plan directly to the courts. Evidence reveals there are two issues prominent and of the utmost importance to Becerra and his cohorts, abortion and transgender rights. The Biden administration and its pit bull Becerra are above all primarily invested in undermining Catholic institutions and destroying their autonomy. In particular are hospitals and doctors who refuse to perform abortions, and businesses that refuse to accommodate LGBTQ requests to perform services at same-sex weddings. The Supreme Court has agreed to hear two cases this year involving religious liberty and conscience rights. There is more, and I could on, but suffice it to say every American should be informed about what the Biden Administration’s plans are. They have proven their anti-religious fervor, and seek to undermine traditional institutions through nefarious measures, which are like their illegal immigrant late-night drop-offs across the country - out of sight and out of mind.
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