Wake Up CallNovember 8, 2021Perhaps it’s just what the American people needed, a wake-up call and, hopefully for a brief period, of having to live and survive under a radical totalitarian-like socialist regime. Have you ever given thought to what the future might look like? Unless you refrain from reading books or watching movies, you will have encountered stories that deal with fictional plots set in future times. In both of these venues, writers would explore how the people would live and survive in their surroundings, the physical environment, and of course how those in authority rule. There is one movie that comes to mind, especially today, when thinking about what fifty or a hundred years from now might look like. “Equilibrium” is a 2002 movie set in the future, and follows the life of its hero John. Libria is a totalitarian state that was created after a third world war. The people are ruled over by an unelected council, and a figurehead called Father who dispenses power and justice through highly trained military-like law enforcement agents who are called Grammaton Clerics, who will invade homes and assure that the people are behaving themselves. Each day Father appears on large screens situated throughout the city. He communicates propaganda to the people and reminds them of their duty and obligation toward the state, one of which is a mandate that reminds them each morning when they awake they must inject themselves, adults and children, with a drug that is mind-altering and that suppresses emotions. Art, music, literature are illegal and forbidden. Most of the citizens follow orders, but there is always the threat of the government who looms over the populace and seems to know whenever someone commits an aggression against normalcy and the state. There is also a threat from family or neighbors who will report to the authorities anyone who does not comply. The defiant among the people, however, those who refuse to subjugate themselves to the ruling class, are driven underground and are outcasts constantly perused by the government. The hero of this hellish place, John, a highly regarded law enforcement agent, one day realizes he is out of the drug, and encounters a situation that causes him to feel emotion. He eventually joins the underground and they destroy the factory that produces the drug; a happy ending, I guess. The other day while reading through various periodicals, and having to digest all the insanity, mayhem, and cultural depravity, I thought of the future and different scenarios, and how for some in America today, the future might seem bleak. Among others, the movie Equilibrium came to mind and its correlation with what we must deal with today - mandates, quasi-totalitarianism, a politicized federal law enforcement agency, etc. It was a depressing thought, but then something else came to mind. Perhaps what the American people are experiencing today with the Biden administration, Democrats, the so-called ruling class, Deep State, and the radical far-left progressive socialist movement is what we needed all along. Let me explain before you begin to think I’ve gone over to the dark side. We needed a wakeup call, a kick in the backside, to come to realize what a disaster a government is that issues mandates, has little if any respect for individualism and the dignity of human life, and believes the people are incapable of self-sufficiency and in need an overseer, like Father, to see to their needs. Whatever your philosophical and political beliefs may be, if your idea of a happy, healthy, and prosperous life in the future is like the one described above in the movie, and like what we have today, is your idea of a better path to the future you so desire, then so be it. But as for the rest of us, if you see the America you know and love disappearing before your eyes, then take a lesson from the Biden administration and the progressive socialist mob and their depraved indifference, and take a stand and just do not comply.
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