Members of Congress Must Think We Are StupidIf they vote for the Build Back Better Bill, do they expect to be re-elected?By Dan Perkins November 8, 2021In a last-minute inclusion in the $1.75-trillion Build Back Better funding bill, President Biden proposed an immoral change in the pending bill. Biden wants to give around $450,000 to each illegal immigrant separated from their family at the border in 2018. The justification for this payment is that the Biden administration is discussing paying out hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars to illegal immigrant families who were separated at the US-Mexico border under the Trump administration's "zero tolerance" policy, in 2018, the Wall Street Journal reported on Friday, October 29th. The Wall Street Journal reports the rationale of the payment was being developed by the U.S. Departments of Justice, Homeland Security, and Health and Human Services, and they are considering payments that could amount to close to $1 million a family, though the final numbers could shift, the people familiar with the matter said. Most of the families that crossed the border illegally from Mexico seeking asylum. The Journal notes the potential payout is in response to lawsuits filed by parents and children who claim the government subjected them to "lasting psychological trauma." They note that the numbers may change but "could amount to close to $1 million a family." The total fund for the 5,000 people could exceed several billions of dollars. When I first mentioned this to people, I knew their reaction was straightforward. They laughed and said that will never happen. But I'm not so sure, and here's why. The Build Back Better budget reconciliation bill is the mastermind between the White House and the Democratic-controlled Congress. A funding bill of $1.75 trillion is sure to have a significant amount of pork, so the Democrat leaders will trade off some pork in exchange for the provisions concerning payments to illegal aliens. If a poll was taken of the American people to ascertain their support for this provision, my guess would be less than 20% will support these payments. However, for congressmen or senators to keep funding for billions of dollars of highways and bridges construction in a district, congressman or senator can be persuaded to support the payment provisions in their District. This type of horse-trading has been around Congress for many years. If this provision passes, I believe it will be a new low in the game of politics. If this passes and is signed into law, people who have come into the nation illegally, contributing nothing to the country, will get $450,000. Based on the conditions, I believe millions of Americans can claim to be suffering from decisions made by the government. They will claim the government subjected them to "lasting psychological trauma" because of the government's bad decisions. Millions of people have crossed the border illegally and have traumatized and tens of millions of Americans. The parts of the nation where illegals are being sent have millions of American living under fear of break-ins, assaults, murder, and violent crimes in their community. Americans are looking at their jobs being lost to lower-paid illegals. Americans are out of work, and their prospect for working again is diminished, and in many cases, they can't find work. According to NIMH, 19.4 million Americans are suffering from Major Depressive Episodes. The Biden plan will supposedly help 5,000 non-Americas and ignore the 19.4 million Americans who are suffering. It is the first time I can recall there being individuals who have crossed the border illegally and now are seeking compensation for their illegal acts. I do not know about you and your thoughts, but I want to hope that millions of Americans will write or email their legislative representative and tell them these reparations to illegal immigrants are something they do not want to happen. This last sentence leads me to the next part of my discussion. The government has estimated that there are approximately 5000 individuals who would be covered by this provision. The provision applies to anyone who crossed any border into the United States during the Trump administration. If anybody genuinely understands how illegal immigration really works, you have to believe coyotes and the smugglers are already seeing the Newspapers with the headlines. Biden wants to pay $450,000 to every illegal crossing the border. I think the smugglers of the caravan of 4000 people headed north are already showing and telling the people about the $450,000 they will get when they cross the border. They'll be told that everybody and the family unit that crossed illegally and was separated by the Trump administration will receive the $450,000. There does not seem to be a limited number of family members that can receive compensation. A family of four, two parents, and two children could each receive $450,000, or this family of four could receive $1.8 million. We have no data on how the Biden administration determined $450,000 per person, nor do we know how the government priced the value of "lasting psychological trauma." U.S. Census Bureau lists the annual real median personal income at $35,977 in 2019 with the base year of 2019. You can see that this payment of $450,000 would equal 12 years of income with what appears to be no work requirement. We do not know if these payments will be single payments or paid over 12 years of installation? What is the tax liability to the person receiving income? We have no idea if thousands of other government dollars will continue to be given to these illegals? There is a famous saying, “Let the camel get his nose in the tent, and the whole camel is in the tent before long.” Is it possible that once a program of 5,000 is let into the tent, the bureaucrats will have to build bigger and more tents to hold many tens of thousands who want their unearned share? And speaking of share, how much will the lawyers be paid? If you agree with me, write and call your congressmen or women and senators, and tell them you want them to vote no - and we will be watching.
![]() Dan Perkins is the author of 9 books, a nationally syndicated talk show host, an expert on energy, the founder of the Black and White radio and TV network promoting free speech, and the host of two shows on the network, Blacks and Whites and Dan After Dark. His newest outlet for commentary is You can find more info about Dan and his works at Visit Dan Perkins's website at