The Ills That Afflict Transgenderism And The Biden AdministrationNovember 1, 2021While the nation deals with domestic unrest, its sovereignty being threatened, and a tarnished reputation around the world, the Biden administration feels transgenderism is a priority. According to the Center for Disease Control’s (CDC) Behavioral Surveillance System just 0.6 % (1.4 million) of the population identifies as transgender, with a portion of this number being children that could be confused and victims of radical subjugation. That this infinitesimal number of people can command such influence, and wield such power is unthinkable. And should you have the audacity to in any way question or criticize this group, you could very well be threatened, subjected to harassment, and the victim of the cancel culture that could even cost you your livelihood. Does it seem rather unusual, even surreal, how transgenderism is so embraced and accepted in these post-modern times? You would think that in the midst of all the carnage, anger, and division the American people must deal with each day, domestically and internationally, that a matter of cultural deprivation, in my opinion, would consume such an inordinate amount of time and attention is unfathomable. There are elements of transgenderism that have manifested themselves over the past several years. One, in particular, is the use of pronouns, which eliminate biological sex, male and female, and replace them with gender-neutral terms, such as they, them, and it, etc.; and there are numerous others. This intrusion into the lexicon, and what was once normalcy has found its way into schools K-12 and even the military. Possibly the most widely publicized aspect of this issue is transgender females (biological males) engaging in female sports. Most of the American people, especially parents of students and many in the military, find this intrusion into their lives unacceptable and ridiculous, and yet the Biden administration's U.S. State Department was recently ridiculed and criticized for a post on social media that heralded “International Pronouns Day,” and even included a link to an article that supported pronoun use in interactions on social media. To add to the insanity, the Biden administration drafted a 42-page document, “National Strategy On Gender Equity and Equality,” which is a blueprint on “Woke-ism.” With the ever-increasing threats to the safety and security of this nation from enemies internal and external, the question remains as to why the US State Department thinks it is important and worth their time and effort to legitimize this unnatural life choice. But aside from the effect transgenderism has on the culture, in reviewing this issue I have determined that the pathology of transgenderism is staggering. Following are just a few of the risks and complications; but first, let us not forget the suicide rate among many of these confused and victimized souls is higher than the average for the rest of the population. According to the Mayo Clinic, the process of males taking female hormones can cause blood clots leading to deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism, or high triglycerides or excess fat in the blood, as well as high blood pressure from hypertension, weight gain, infertility, cardiovascular disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and increased risk of breast cancer. The individual who decides to stop hormone therapy will most likely face pain and long-term detrimental effects both physically and mentally. According to the Mayo Clinic taking male hormones for females also comes with risks and complications similar to male therapy, which includes producing too many red blood cells, weight gain, acne, abnormal levels of cholesterol that can cause an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, deep vein thrombosis, infertility, vaginal atrophy, and endometrial and other forms of cancer. According to the British National Health Service (NHS) there is still not enough evidence to render a qualified assessment; they have stated, “Little is known about the long-term side effects of hormone therapy or puberty blockers in children with gender dysphoria.” I have only touched the surface, but as you can see the effects of hormone therapy can possibly have catastrophic consequences, for both male and female victims. The psychological damage, especially in children diagnosed with gender dysphoria, can also be devastating. And for adolescent girls, even more so, when exacerbated and influenced by social media that can coach these innocent girls to meet certain criteria for gender dysphoria, and then begin treatment. This begs another question: what are we as a society becoming, and why is transgenderism so embraced by cultural elites and the so-called ruling class?
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