The 2020 Presidential Election: Bought With A Billionaire's BucksOctober 25, 2021The 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen, it was bought with the money of a radical billionaire, with the help of Democrats, governors, political operatives, local election commissions. We live in a time of great upheaval, and if we are to judge the events that occur all around us with honesty, fairness, and equanimity, we should take a step back, take a deep breath, and wait for all the facts to manifest themselves. The 2020 presidential election was possibly one of the most highly controversial and contested in post-modern times. Former President Donald Trump has, since that fateful November day when he was “defeated” by the Democrat Joe Biden, insisted the election and thus presidency was “stolen” from him. The media and most of the political class from both parties have insisted that Mr. Trump’s contentions are unsound and devoid of factual evidence. Some have even labeled his remarks as the ravings of an unstable mind, and have accused him and his supporters of reveling in a fantasy. Since the election, there have been numerous investigations into voter fraud in several states - Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin - whose outcomes were considered questionable by some. And the belief is that all the highly charged rhetoric and dispute over this contentious issue has led to public distrust of the electoral process, and has a direct correlation to the January 06 protest. Based on recently released information from the Caesar Rodney Election Research Institute, a report has been issued, and made public by William Doyle, Ph.D., and researcher at the institute. According to the report, leading up to the 2020 presidential election, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg invested hundreds of millions of dollars into various causes and organizations that favored Democrats. The Center for Technology and Civic Life (CTCL) and The Center for Election Innovation and Research (CEIR) were each infused with substantial amounts of, for our purposes here, Zucker-bucks that were spread among local government election offices. These monies, however, came with certain required mandates that clearly delineated the conditions under which they would be used, and those directives swayed more toward Democrats in battleground states. In her recently released book, “Rigged: How the Media, Big Tech, and the Democrats Seized Our Elections,” Mollie Hemingway, senior editor at the Federalist, writes of the Zucker-buck effect on the 2020 election. Hemingway, like Professor Doyle, analyzes the infusion of money, and also how CTCL spent $47 per voter in large cities like Green Bay, Wisconsin, whose Democrat mayor outsourced planning and management to political operatives, and only $4 went to rural areas. What makes this so significant is the fact that Joe Biden won the state by only 20,000 votes, whereas Donald Trump won in 2016. What exactly did Zuckerberg’s largess buy? Democrat operatives were able to infiltrate local elections. These groups and organizations like CTCL and CEIR hired poll workers to help with ballot curing - fixing ballots that might be discarded for inaccuracies. High school students were recruited as poll workers. Left-wing groups, like the Brennan Center, would help with securing election integrity, post-election audits, and cybersecurity. The Center for Civic Design, working directly with election commissions, created new absentee ballot designs, envelopes, and voting instruction material. Most Republicans, approximately 68%, believe the election was “rigged and stolen from Trump,” and only 18% believe Biden won on the up and up. According to a Yahoo News/ gov. survey, 28% of Independents believe Biden’s victory was illegitimate. What we have here folks is a leftist cabal of interlopers, comprised of the media, Democrats, left-wing operatives and community activists, big business, Silicon Valley, and a power-hungry billionaire, who all came together to ensure that President Donald Trump would not be reelected. And this was all accomplished while their candidate, Joe Biden, relaxed in his basement. This now begs the question, what about future elections? Following this revelation and the serious threat this poses to future elections by big money, Republicans have called for investigations to ensure this does not occur again. The problem here, however, is that when you have entities politically and ideologically driven with their quest for power and drastic change, and placing their reckless self-serving agenda above the American people's and nation's best interests, and are willing to manipulate the system and engage in subterfuge and chicanery, these groups must be stopped and election integrity restored. According to Professor Doyle, “The 2020 presidential election wasn’t stolen - it was likely bought with the money of one of the world’s wealthiest and most powerful men that poured money through legal loopholes.”
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