The Biden Administration And Media Are Hoping We ForgetOctober 11, 2021The Biden administration, with the media’s willful compliance, is seeking to disregard its incompetence and catastrophic mistakes with regard to the southern border and Afghanistan, hoping the issues will fade in our memories. What do the Southern Border and Afghanistan have in common? Before I try to answer this question, let’s first briefly go over some facts. The Southern Border, and what it represents in the minds of the American people, is not just a stretch of about a thousand miles of land, but has also become associated with illegal immigration and a gateway into this country for migrants who have at one time been from mainly Mexico and Central America. Illegal immigration over the years can be likened to a Sword of Damocles that has hung over the head of the political class of both parties. An impending disaster, this issue has been a daunting dilemma, which for whatever reason cannot yet be resolved. I believe that is because the Republican and Democratic parties each have their own self-serving agenda for any remedial action for illegal immigration. We have now reached a point however where I believe the sword has fallen, and the disaster is upon us, and the results are not only chaotic and deadly, but have been initiated with willful intent. The Biden administration has knowingly extended an invitation to the world’s underprivileged and downtrodden to enter America, and possibly become citizens, while threatening our very safety and sovereignty. Unlike his predecessor, President Biden, together with his vice president and DHS secretary Majorkas, have created chaos at the border by dismantling with prejudice President Trump’s highly successful immigration policies. Although not a cure-all, they were controlling the flow of immigrants. However, as of January of 2021 over one million people from across the planet have crossed the border; most have been dispersed by the Biden administration throughout the nation without any regard to those who might be infected with the virus, or harbor ill intentions toward us. Afghanistan is a country that has been besieged by war over the centuries. From Alexander the Great to Genghis Khan, and fast forward to post-modern times, December 1979, due to internal strife among Afghani leaders, the Soviet Union invasion commenced and lasted ten years until February 1989. With all its advanced weaponry, Russia could not defeat the horsemen of the Mujahedeen, with some help from America, and the people's will for independence, in a nation that is known by many as “The Graveyard of Empires.” Following the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, in October of 2001, the United States under the Bush administration, launched Operation Enduring Freedom and declared war on Afghanistan, which commenced with a missile attack on Osama Bin Laden’s al-Qaeda fighters. Bin Laden was thought to be the mastermind behind the 9/11 attack. Fast forward to 2021, and after 20 years and over 2400 men and women of the military having made the ultimate sacrifice, over 20,000 wounded, many with debilitating injuries, and an estimated 241,000 Afghani and Pakistani civilians killed, and approximately $2.6 trillion spent, the war was officially declared over in December of 2014. On August 31 of 2021, the remaining troops exited Afghanistan. Many believe that President Biden executed this rapid removal of his own volition, against his military advisors, and without any thought of the possible repercussions, to satisfy his self-serving vainglory. This was to attend the September 11 memorial at ground zero in New York City and give a speech heralding his mission complete in Afghanistan. There was no speech by any politician on that day. It is common knowledge now that the withdrawal of troops was a catastrophic, humiliating disaster, with 13 American military and over 200 Afghani civilians killed by a terrorist bomb. The Biden administration did not have a cogent and well-planned strategy. Instead of moving all American civilians and Afghani allies that assisted us during the war out first, and holding the Kabul airport, they moved the military out, setting the stage for the fall of the country itself into the hands of the Taliban. The generals, appearing before congress, stated they had warned the president of such a withdrawal, but as commander in chief, he overruled them. According to reports, to this day, there are still American, Afghani civilians, and green card holders still stuck in-country, and at the mercy of the Taliban, who have systematically been torturing and killing. Previously I asked what these two issues have in common. It’s obvious, aside from incompetence, lack of vision, and inept governance, a radical progressive leftist agenda is the overriding factor. And President Biden is the catalyst, and his entire cabinet is part of a toxic mixture, which also includes the mainstream media and its complicity in their willful lack of reporting on these serious violations, and their defense of the administration. As an example, and the reason for this article, there was something that I have encountered since January. Although not an avid television watcher, whenever viewing the news, I make it a point to use the remote control to scan the channels, to determine what each outlet is reporting on. In most cases, Fox, among other news, had segments on the southern border, Afghanistan, and the Biden administration’s obliviousness to the importance of these two major issues, all other cable and network news outlets, felt the January 06 protest, and any negative news about former President Trump, deserved their undivided attention only.
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