Man, Woman, He, She, Or They, Their, And ItsOctober 4, 2021Is the radical progressive left agenda that seeks to rewrite conventional standards a harbinger of a society in regression? There has been a movement afoot to cancel the reality of what nature and natures God have ordained. The biological Male/Female identity is to be replaced. Man and woman, although born with specific and unchangeable sexual anatomical organs, are no longer being identified according to this general characteristic of the sexes that has existed down through time immemorial. The usual suspects are advancing an aggressive progressive leftist agenda. The Democratic Party, media, Hollywood, the entertainment industry, professional and amateur sports, big business, education, and the military are all engaged, one way or another, in this transformation that seeks to dispel normalcy and create a new ideology and narrative that will avoid any mention of biological sex, and replace it with sexual orientation and gender identity. There was a time when this would have been forbidden by conventional standards of decency and logic. This is a product of the radical LGBTQ movement, and its transgender (T) element, which arrived on the scene about twenty years ago and became a darling child that captured the attention and adulation of the cultural elite, composed of those entities mentioned above. This can be found especially on college and university campuses, down to even elementary schools, where the most vulnerable minds can be influenced and indoctrinated, and become inclined to accept this insanity. One of the methods that this movement has incorporated into its transformative agenda is, for want of a more appropriate term, let us call it “wokespeak.” The redefining of the traditional descriptions to identify the sexes, and replacing these with gender-neutral terms, so instead of man, woman, male, female, she, he, his, hers, etc, it’s they, theirs, it, and a number of other third-person pronouns. In the New York City Birth Certificate Application, in section three you will find a check box that shows, Male, Female, and [X]. When choosing the [X], as a number of parents/guardians have already done; this represents gender-neutral representation for the newborn. There is little doubt that this will have a detrimental effect in conducting the affairs of city, state, and federal governments, as well as business enterprises. When a gender-neutral individual fills out an application and is asked for his, hers, or its gender and the [X] box is checked, I assume the only way to determine the real gender will be by the individual's name, maybe. If this abnormal methodic system takes hold and becomes the norm, what will those entities that determine the nation’s populations do, such as the Census, and breaking it down by gender? And what will you do, if you’re preparing a report or writing an article and want to know the percentage of men and women who make up the population when a good number are gender-neutral [X]. This revision of sexual identity has existed for some years now but recently came to our attention again when the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), with the one-year anniversary of the death of the late Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, issued on Twitter a message in her honor. And they thought it appropriate, in their attempt at inclusivity of transgender and non-binary individuals, to change what the Justice had written or spoken in past remarks. The ACLU issued this in its statement, “With Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s death, we lost a champion for abortion and gender equality. And on the anniversary of her death, the fight to protect abortion access is more urgent than ever.” And in its quoting the late Justice, the ACLU wrote, “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a [person’s] life, to [their] well-being and dignity…When the government controls that decision for [people], [they] are being treated as less than fully adult human responsible for [their] own choices.” Whereas, Justice Ginsburg actually wrote: “The decision whether or not to bear a child is central to a [woman’s] life, to [her] well-being and dignity. It is a decision [she] must make for [herself]. When the government controls that decision for [her], [she] is being treated as less than full adult human responsible for [her] own choices.” Criticisms and ridicule of the ACLU for this rewriting of historical commentary came from moderates and both the ideological right and left. The ACLU has since apologized. As stated previously, it’s insanity.
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