When Will They Come To Their Senses?September 27, 2021There is a large segment of the American people that are either uninformed on issues, or are just plain obstinate and refuse to come to their senses and accept reality and the truth. Someone once said, “For things to make sense to some people, they must first come to their senses.” Have those on the left finally come to their senses? Can they put their hate and frustration aside, and look around at their country devolving and falling apart before their eyes? The president they elected, and his administration, are leading us down the road to perdition. Do you ask yourself as I often do, “How is it possible that whenever a poll or survey is taken and it reveals a substantial number of the American people still think President Biden is doing a good job?” The southern border is out of control and is a humanitarian disaster. Thus far this year over a million people have invaded our country, many unvaccinated, from Central America, Mexico, and other countries across the planet. Recently, close to 15 thousand Haitians have arrived and taken up refuge and established, according to drone footage, what appears to be a tent city under the International Bridge in Del Rio Texas. Border control agents are overwhelmed, and at a loss as to what measures to take to address this invasion. The evacuation of Afghanistan was an incompetent disaster and ill-conceived, proving to be deadly for American military and innocent Afghani civilians and is a worldwide embarrassment. Our prestige and reputation have suffered greatly, and because of this gross incompetence, Afghanistan is now a terrorist haven. According to the military brass, the generals, they were just following the orders of the Commander-in-Chief. No one, as yet, has been held accountable for this deadly fiasco. If the Biden administration has its way with its flagrant spending in the trillions of dollars, the economy will face insolvency and inflation will only get worse. With threats of tax increases, and the gas and essential food products price increases, and vaccine passports, and unexplained and constant changes made by the so-called experts, “wear masks” - “don’t wear masks,” the uncertainty and division among the people are growing ever wider. No denizen of social media environs, I do most communicating, if not in person, then over the phone and with email. Recently I decided to conduct my own survey, and sent emails to a number of acquaintances that had voted for Mr. Biden. I wanted to determine how they felt about current events, and to satisfy my own curiosity, whether they had as yet come to their senses. I did not indulge in any vitriolic or vindictive approach, and was not looking for any confrontational exchanges, and included no “I told you so.” After some pleasantries, I asked for their opinions, and how they felt now after almost nine months into the Biden administration. I did not have any grand expectations about their responses, nor would I be surprised if they considered my inquiry to be suspect, and accuse me of being cynical and judgmental, and rubbing their noses into it, so to speak. And of course, I didn’t expect they would admit they had made a mistake in voting for Biden. We went back and forth several times in our responses, discussed some of the issues, but I did expect a modicum of reason, civility, and well-informed judgment. Regrettably, that was not to be the case. With one exception, the rest of the recipients of the emails I sent refused to admit that there were in fact any major failures and mistakes made by the administration. They felt that it was only eight-and-a-half months, and that better times are on the horizon. And yes, they felt it necessary to bring into their responses the most despised man on earth, need I mention his name, it rhymes with thump. After reaching a point where it appeared we had exhausted all avenues of discussion, I wished all good health and prosperity. I concluded that Mr. Trump is in fact a catalyst, always in the mix, an essential element in how his detractors look at all things of a political and cultural nature. And whether in a survey or poll, it is my contention that any response will be, in part, though perhaps not even mentioned by the respondent, anti-Trump. For most on the left, the former president is ever-present in their lives, and although out of office, he still lives rent-free in their restless, frustrated, and disturbed minds. But perhaps there’s more to why some people believe that things are not as bad as they are. Let us not forget the media’s complicity. It is apparent that most media outlets are intentionally and willfully failing to report on major news events and stories. It is common knowledge their intent is to cover for the Biden administration and the problems that beset it. But they do the American people a disservice, for there may be those who rely solely on these outlets for fair and honest reporting. For people to come to their senses, they must be aware of the facts, and truthfully informed by those entities that disseminate information to the public.
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